Hunter Biden’s Controlled Explosion - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Hunter Biden’s Controlled Explosion


Oh, Hunter. You have to be pretty clueless to leave a computer full of compromising information in a computer repair store and never go back to pick it up. That only happened to me once, with an ex-girlfriend; she now has a family with the computer engineer. I imagine their kids’ names are Bytes, Backup, Java, and the like.

Something tells me that Hunter’s brain isn’t much better than Joe’s, and that both combined might make a fantastic Gruyère cheese. Or maybe it’s even worse and he has a perfectly good brain, and his cluelessness is just part of him being aware of his impunity. If the Left has achieved anything in recent years, it is media impunity for its own. Unconditional defense of big media and corporations, whatever they do, is the worst news for our freedoms. Once again, the end justifies the means. Spoiler: the end is the advent of the promises of the Progressive Catechism.

The New York Times is now admitting to everything they once labeled “fake news” just because they wanted to oust Trump at any cost.

I have about as much interest in Hunter’s sexual tastes as he could have in mine. But I can’t say the same about his shady business dealings while his father was vice president. Americans had a right to know about them before they voted. And the media arms of the Democratic party circumvented that right, until today, when no one can change their vote. Now the New York Times gives us permission to talk about it (thanks, guys), admitting that everything the New York Post had published before the 2020 election was true. Now, when nobody remembers how the big social networks censored any dissemination of this news in what might be the biggest electoral manipulation of the digital era.

Otherwise, any family can have its black sheep, although that might be an overly optimistic assessment, as it suggests the existence of enough white sheep in the Biden clan, and there is as much evidence of that as there is of green men on Mars. I don’t know if Hunter and Daddy have committed crimes, but I’m much more concerned about how the New York Times is now admitting to everything they once labeled “fake news” just because they wanted to oust Trump at any cost.

This sets terrible precedents. First, the Left now knows that it is possible to win elections by deceiving people. Second, conservatives cannot defend themselves when theoretically neutral platforms are not neutral at all. Third, presidential offspring can do whatever they want with their businesses, including using some “big guy,” because unless they are right-wing, no one will bother to investigate it. And fourth, the family of any Democratic president of an exemplary democracy like the American one might be mixed up in business with countries that are sworn enemies of freedom and America. (READ MORE from Itxu Díaz: Science Should Analyze What’s Left of Joe Biden’s Brain)

By the way, a few innocent questions: could some government be blackmailing Joe Biden with classified information about his son? Could some government secretly bring the United States of America to its knees because of this affair? Could Putin have more information about Hunter’s business dealings and orgies?

I won’t go on because I hate columnists who ask questions in their articles. In fact, I loathe myself right now. Our only job is supposed to be to provide answers to questions that don’t have them. I will regret raising these innocent little questions all week. But somehow I felt compelled to do it, which is the sort of thing you tell your wife when you crawl back home on all fours from a bachelor party in Vegas.

The truth is that Joe Biden is such an incompetent president that he wouldn’t even need this family scandal to bring him down. The bad news is that neither his incompetence nor Hunter’s bizarre business dealings could take their toll on him. Because the Democratic Party’s media machine is already operating with the precision and intensity of a hamburger factory, and a large portion of public opinion is eager to eat it up. It is significant that there is no one left on the left capable of lifting a finger and throwing up anything resembling self-criticism. What the New York Times has done is not self-criticism but a controlled explosion. A political journalism classic. As in bachelor parties when there is not a single excuse left that can work with your wife.

Itxu Díaz
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Itxu Díaz is a Spanish journalist, political satirist, and author. He has written 10 books on topics as diverse as politics, music, and smart appliances. He is a contributor to The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, National Review, American Conservative, and Diario Las Américas in the United States, as well as a columnist at several Spanish magazines and newspapers. He was also an adviser to the Ministry for Education, Culture, and Sports in Spain.
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