Bidenpolitik: A Foreign Policy Without Coherence - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Bidenpolitik: A Foreign Policy Without Coherence


Welcome to Bidenpolitik, foreign policy minus coherence, whose only goal seems to be to avoid self-contradiction for at least an hour. It began by refunding Palestinian terror organizations directly by restoring aid that only a Harvard student would not know goes directly from whatever humanitarian purpose it was labeled for to building the tunnels of terror and the rockets of terror and everything else of terror for the sexual-sadists-cum-religious martyrs of Hamas. It then removed the very effective sanctions on Iranian oil, thereby allowing perhaps 50 or even 100 billion dollars to flow into Iran’s coffers (since the Biden locked-down inauguration till now), which Iran directs onward to such Middle East peace partners as Hezbollah, the Houthis, the IRG, and the adorable heroes of the brave White House junior staffers, Hamas.

So far, it’s perfectly coherent — a policy Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, the mullahs of Teheran, and the authors of your children’s school textbooks would love. And the children raised on those textbooks, of course. Harris and Harvard (how delicious!) released a poll that shows about 75 percent of the youngest tier of voters are just fine with calling for the extermination of the Jews and that the best way to deal with the crisis in Gaza is to abolish Israel and give it to Hamas. Sounds like an outtake from the ’30s classic Reefer Madnessc’mon, J. Edgar, that’s too extreme!

Stumbling Along

OK, gotta please the youth. But a large majority of the country seems to feel that killing Jews wherever they are and eliminating the nation of Israel is not all the kaffiyeh-chic Hamas hipsters hold it up to be. So, if Biden is not to be run out of town on a rail before his last neuron stops firing, he needs to appease the majority, at least long enough for more products of woke education to reach the voting age. And perhaps there remains in Old Joe a smidgeon of sincere esteem for Israel — useful still for the needs of the moment. As Groucho said: “Sincerity is the key to success. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”

So, America’s leadership stumbles along, proclaiming Israel has every right to defend itself (staffers, exeunt stage left) while insisting, with ever greater gravity, that Israel must provide ever-greater humanitarian aid to the Hamas population, large numbers of whom joined in the rape-fest of Oct. 7, cheering the rapists on their parade through Gaza’s streets and spitting on the dead bodies they hauled around as trophies, and then terrorizing hostages as they were released into Red Cross hands.

And now a Bidenpolitik update! Today’s (12/20) Wall Street Journal features a large picture of the food distribution inside Gaza of the demanded humanitarian aid, demanded and delivered. The caption reads: “Palestinians unloaded sacks of wheat from a humanitarian-aid truck into a grocery store under guard by Hamas fighters in Rafah…”

Yes, Hamas is still functioning as the government, distributing the food after taking for itself first and seeming very much in charge. This is what the Bideneers want more of — look, they aren’t all that bad! Just a little rape-to-death, a few babies beheaded, threats to repeat — nothing a little PR and AI can’t cure. Photo op time!

Bidenpolitik Is Just Feel-Good Nihilism

Is this really America’s aim — to shore Hamas up? Well, yes and no. Or, no and yes. Depends. Wait another minute.

Can you imagine this crew fighting Hitler? 

But for the Bideneers, today’s Hitlers are not the butchers and rapists and liars and cowards of Hamas but — Donald Trump. The guy who couldn’t control his own cabinet. Or police the Niagara of leaks streaming out of every office in DC. Or sit on the ballot boxes (as FDR put it). He couldn’t even get his “insurrectionists” to come with a pop gun to the party on Jan. 6. Though that Viking helmet was pretty slick — and Hitler sure loved Götterdämmerung and loved to hum its motifs — Orange Man doesn’t have time for Wagner. That’s their Hitler? 

Not the ones who share Hitler’s thoughts and policies and try to finish his job?

Yup. This is the crew that is leading our foreign policy — the feel-good nihilism for a post-coherent world that is the trademark of Bidenpolitik.

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