The Left Is on the Ropes — Keep Swinging - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Left Is on the Ropes — Keep Swinging


Tune into any left-leaning mainstream media channel or visit one of the online leftist rags, and you’re almost guaranteed to hear the same thing, day in, day out: the Trump White House is so inept that it could well be the undoing of the Republican Party. Or the nation.

The President isn’t appointing people to key positions, administration infighting is catastrophic, and his own party, divided among loyalists and dissenters, can’t even pass healthcare and tax reform despite controlling both houses of Congress.

The mid-terms are sure to cost the GOP the House, they say, and come 2020 there’ll be hell to pay for the party that nominated such a childish, uncouth troglodyte for the position of the leader of the free world.

They may well be right, but I doubt it. As is too often the case these days, the exact opposite of the prevailing media narrative is more likely to be true than the narrative itself.

Don’t get me wrong, the Trump White House, and the larger Republican Party, certainly have their share of issues to work through. But they are sitting pretty compared to the Democrats, who will either bring down the President by any means necessary or die trying.

After a devastating loss, last November, the Democrats and their henchmen in the mainstream media have resorted to doing what they do best: blaming everyone but themselves. Rather than reevaluating their political strategy, they have instead embarked on a series of ill-thought-out attacks that are only hastening their demise.

Their beloved “Russia” narrative, on which they have staked their effort to unseat the democratically elected President, is unraveling before their very eyes as one anonymously sourced story after another fails to materialize. In fact, the leading voice of the impeachment movement, Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California, has publicly admitted that she has yet to see any actual evidence of collusion.

These unsubstantiated and dubious claims have finally revealed the Russia conspiracy for what it truly is: desperate, dirty politics. So much for “going high.”

Perhaps the only thing greater than the left’s disingenuousness, however, is its hypocrisy.

Those who constantly paint the President as a schoolyard bully are the same ones who refer to him as “Cheeto” and mock the size of his manhood. They feign outrage when the President pokes fun at Mika’s facelift, but sit idly by as the “victim” herself baselessly and repeatedly accuses Trump of treason and suggests, on air, that his wife is preparing to leave him.

Trump’s accusers are likely correct when they claim he’s a misogynist, but these claims fall on deaf ears to a public who watched Hillary blame Bill’s victims and know well the Democrats’ affinity for perhaps the greatest womanizer in the history of the Oval Office, John F. Kennedy.

In short, the left’s favorite accusations against the President are either lacking in evidence or wildly hypocritical. And that’s not a good look for a party, or ideology, struggling to find its feet.

And all of this, of course, has reduced the Democrats’ biggest, burliest bodyguard to rubble in the eyes of the American public. The mainstream media’s unapologetic parroting of the Democrats’ schizophrenic conspiracy theories is finally paying off. For Republicans.

Per the Hill:

According to data from the latest Harvard-Harris poll, which was provided exclusively to The Hill, 65 percent of voters believe there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.

That number includes 80 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents and 53 percent of Democrats. Eighty-four percent of voters said it is hard to know what news to believe online.

And none have suffered quite like CNN; the network that once billed itself as “the most trusted name in news” is in a ratings freefall.

CNN’s high-profile botching of a story regarding one of the President’s closest advisers led to the dismissal of three of its top journalists, and videos of a CNN producer, as well as on-air personality Van Jones, admitting that the Russia story is, in Jones’s words, a “nothingburger,” are just two of the more high-profile reasons behind the quick and painful death of the former news giant.

The network’s most recent snafu, however, may be its most egregious.

After a .gif depicting the President delivering a beatdown to the CNN logo went viral, the network felt justified in extorting an apology from its creator by threatening to reveal his identity. The reaction was, shall we say, not good. Some people, and some networks, just never learn.

But CNN isn’t alone. Left-leaning print institutions such as the Washington Post are likewise faring poorly in the accuracy department as they have abandoned all pretense of objectivity in a bid to topple the President.

Should the media continue its downward spiral and further erode Americans’ trust in the fourth estate, the Democrats will be fighting with one hand tied behind their backs. And any disadvantage could spell disaster for a party already in the minority in state governorships, both houses of Congress, and sooner or later the Supreme Court.

That last item is a doozy. Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch was a major win for conservatives on the judicial front, and may only be the first of many. With rumors swirling that Justice Kennedy may soon retire, Trump could have the opportunity to nominate yet another justice. And should he score yet another Gorsuch-like nomination, the rightward tilt of the highest court in the land could significantly alter the balance of America’s culture war. And Democrats’ may be powerless to stop it.

All of this assumes, of course, that the left doesn’t simply eat itself.

The Democratic Party is currently in the midst of a civil war between a radical, far-left contingent that seeks to fundamentally reshape the country and the party’s establishment. Luckily for us, the radicals seem to be winning.

The “American left” is increasingly being defined by hate groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and members of the Democratic Party disagree vehemently on the proper distance to keep from these fringe groups whose penchant for violence is well-documented.

These organizations’ attempts to socialize the American economy, segregate Americans by race, and demonize law enforcement are playing poorly across the country. Yet the increasingly leftist leadership of the Democratic Party almost ensures continued catering to groups whose ideals lie far outside of the American mainstream. And by extension continued irrelevance on the American political scene.

Things have gotten so out of hand that the college campuses from which these groups draw much of their loyalty have begun firing outspoken leftist professors. Pigs can fly, apparently.

What choice do they have? The fallout from Mizzou’s kowtowing to student protesters two years ago surely keeps every academic administrator up at night. And while the left is still in firm control of the academia, common sense may be mounting an offensive. And should the ivory towers start to crumble, the left will have effectively committed ideological suicide.

Of course, none of these scenarios by themselves will ensure Republican dominance going forward. But taken together they paint a picture of a Democratic Party, and to some degree a larger leftist political ideology, on the proverbial ropes.

The right should keep punching, and punching hard. This means passing meaningful legislation, such as healthcare and tax reform, and continuing to expose the insanity that is rapidly coming to define the modern American left.

Granted, the political pendulum has an almost clockwork way of rebalancing the seats of power. But these aren’t normal times, and the future is anyone’s guess, as Trump’s election clearly demonstrated.

Make no mistake, it is the Democrats in disarray. And it’s the Republicans who stand to deliver the knockout blow, if they can keep their act together.

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