The Left in our Crosshairs - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Left in our Crosshairs


At NRO, from Roger Kimball, highly respected published/editor of Encounter Books and The New Criterion:

Message to the world’s Krugmanites: Get used to it. We’re on the march, we’re targeting you, you’re in our crosshairs, and, no, this is not an incitement to “hate” or political divisiveness: It is what politics in a democracy is all about.

Yeah, what he said.

The point is that there is nothing, nothing at all, wrong with martial language in the context of politics. Anybody with a lick of sense understands that the language is metaphorical. And almost anybody in the mental condition of young Mr. Loughner needs no martial language from politicians to set him off.

Earlier today I posted a satirical blog entry blaming atheism for the shooting. Satirical, but also closer to the mark than Paul Krugman’s already infamous column was. The fact is that if one were to assume Mr. Loughner was in his right mind, medically (an obviously false assumption, of course), there is more in Mr. Loughner’s known record to tie him to the left than to the right. Atheism, heavy use of marijuana, flag burning, evil occultism…. the list goes on. I myself have no problem with saying that I enthusiastically will use any forum I have to put virulent atheism, heavy marijuana use, flag burning and evil occultism in my own crosshairs, targed for elimination and utter destruction. And I will not be silenced.

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