Has a Very Bad Day - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics Has a Very Bad Day


The single-celled brain trust known as Salon is having another bad day. After today’s Supreme Court decisions, its writers have been breathlessly issuing stories decrying the erosion of women’s rights and the weakened power of unions, with the sky falling down and “unwanted babies” lining the street and that darned “one-percent.”

Breathlessly, Salon notes:

The Supreme Court’s ruling today in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, which said that employers with religious objections cannot be impelled to pay for contraceptive coverage for its employees, has reignited one of the more lopsided political fights of the current era: the War on Contraception.

The article bemoans the decision and says that it will destroy the GOP. It misses that Hobby Lobby will still offer most forms of birth control to its employees because the store only objected to the destruction of the embryos caused by three types of abortifacients, like the morning-after pill. But hey, “narrative” and “war on women” and all that.

After misrepresenting the facts of that case, and with many of their readers and other leftists calling for the burning of Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court, the basement bloggers struck again. While discussing the Harris v. Quinn argument perpetual race-baiter and outrage leader of the left Joan Walsh wrote:

The plutocrat cartel known as the National Right to Work Committee, backed by the Kochs, the Waltons and other conservative anti-union funders, joined Harris.

Curse those conservative Kochs, who are really libertarians, for wanting people to have to the power to choose whether they keep their money or pay dues to union bosses who “work for them.”

For those who enjoy how Salon has literally become a parody of itself, check out the hilarious Twitter account Salondotcom, which, despite being a parody of the actual Salon, is almost indistinguishable from it. With tweets like this, I’m sure that, like the real Salon, it will keep everyone laughing.

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