Barack Obama: The Greatest President Ever - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Barack Obama: The Greatest President Ever


At times, we owe it to ourselves to step back and appreciate just how lucky we are.

President Barack Obama is among history’s greatest leaders, and we’re blessed to have him.

Russia needed an advocate in the White House, after all.

In previous years, US presidents have represented US interests in negotiations with Moscow.


For once, we have a president who can show the kind of flexibility the Kremlin deserves.

Of course he can’t do that until he gets re-elected, but that’s a minor detail.

Obamacare, meanwhile, stands as a towering achievement that is unquestionably constitutional.

Liberal economic policies under Obama have been wildly stimulative, yet fiscally responsible.

So let’s cut out the complaining and be thankful for what we’ve got, shall we?

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