A Guide for Santa Claus: Gifts for Politicians, Celebrities, and Other Animals - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

A Guide for Santa Claus: Gifts for Politicians, Celebrities, and Other Animals

Tijana Moraca/Shutterstock

It’s Christmas, a time of love and peace for everyone except columnists. So I’ve decided to lend Santa a hand and suggest some gifts that will fit their recipients like a glove. (READ MORE from Itxu Diaz: White House Anti-Christmas Video Has Side Effects)

AOC: A long dress screen-printed with the slogan: “Tax the idiots.”

Al Gore: A mini Lula da Silva action man whose nose grows when you pull his tongue.

Ayanna Pressley: The self-help book It’s Easy to Quit Wokism If You Know How.

Barack Obama: A decent script for his next movie.

Benjamin Netanyahu: Patience to put up with progressives who use X (Twitter) to lecture him on how to defend against an attack from the safety of their couch.

Bill Gates: One of his synthetic steaks with a side of fried crickets.

Cardi B: More of her usual reading. I don’t know, the Summa Theologica, Heidegger’s Being and Time, or Aristotle’s Metaphysics.

Elon Musk: Something that makes a lot of noise, flies a long way, and makes fireworks, like SpaceX or X (Twitter).

Donald Trump: Chocolates in the shape of a progressive journalist.

Georgia Meloni: A little more extreme for her right.

Hunter Biden: Striped pajamas and a lime sandwich.

Ismail Haniyeh: A colonoscopy without anesthesia.

Javier Milei: A rock and roll band to play background music for his speeches. And popcorn for the audience.

Justin Trudeau: An industrial garbage compactor to speed along his euthanasia plan for drug addicts after his genius decriminalization of hard drug possession.

Joe Biden: A compass.

Kamala Harris: A red “launch nukes” button to reduce population and save the planet.

King Charles: A real apocalypse, with its trumpets and all the partying, so that he learns to tell it apart from what he calls a “climatic apocalypse.”

Kim Jong-un: A Black+Decker Max Cordless Chainsaw, for cutting hair from the comfort of his home.

Leonardo di Caprio: The equality for all that he so craves. When everything gets shared, I call dibs on his ex-Bar Refaeli, the Beverly Hills mansion, and the Porsche Cayenne.

Manuel López Obrador: A good history book so that he can stop making it up.

Nancy Pelosi: An eye mask with a picture of a bare torsoed Donald Trump.

Miley Cyrus: The childhood that was stolen from her.

Mitch Mcconnell: A passport to some island paradise (far away).

Oprah Winfrey: The vice-presidency of the government. Whatever, we wouldn’t know the difference. She and Kamala Harris are the same person.

Rihanna: A Shazam that detects stupid political ideas.

Sanna Marín: A romantic dinner with no politics (and with me).

Taylor Swift: Five minutes without an opinion on everything everywhere and at all times.

Ursula von der Leyen: A little pony and a big wolf.

Vladimir Putin: A taste of his own medicine.

Xi Jinping: A decent counterrevolution.

Merry Christmas to all but those who celebrate the winter solstice. To those, Happy Harvest and, I suppose, my best wishes for eternal salvation through the intervention of an ear of corn.

Translated by Joel Dalmau.


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Itxu Díaz
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Itxu Díaz is a Spanish journalist, political satirist, and author. He has written 10 books on topics as diverse as politics, music, and smart appliances. He is a contributor to The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, National Review, American Conservative, and Diario Las Américas in the United States, as well as a columnist at several Spanish magazines and newspapers. He was also an adviser to the Ministry for Education, Culture, and Sports in Spain.
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