Sky May Not Be Falling - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Sky May Not Be Falling


I knew Henny-Penny, founder and Recording Secretary of The Holy Order of The Sky Is Falling, had been having a couple of bad weeks, what with the announcement that the big UN global warming conference in Copenhagen was not expected to produce a treaty. Little did she or I know, however, that recent days would bring catastrophe to the entire movement that believes in manmade global warming.

She called in great distress when she learned that Phil Jones, who heads the Climate Research United at East Anglia University in England, had stepped down while his role in Climategate was being investigated. Our conversation went this way:

Ms. H-P: To make matters worse, Michael Mann, who was involved in a lot of those e-mails planning to manipulate data, is under investigation by Penn State University where he works. This is awful.

Us: Granted, it is serious. Jones, Mann and others worked, via e-mails, to deny dissenting scientists peer review forums. They manipulated temperature data and stonewalled Freedom of Information Act requests — among things.

Ms. H-P: I believed them when they said man-made global warming was a matter of settled science.

Us: It never was. The “proof” is in the form of computer projections based on data considered to be insufficiently comprehensive by many scientists. Furthermore, Jones and his CRU colleagues claim the base data that started this process was lost or disposed of several years ago. Very convenient.

Ms. H-P: But why would they falsify data?

Us: No one knows for sure. The lure of big money might be one reason. Jones, for example, received approximately $19 million worth of research grants between 2000 and 2006. That’s six times greater than he received for the entire decade of the ’90s. 

Bear in mind that UN bureaucrats, egged on by the some of the members — not to mention the most ardent environmentalists — kept sounding the alarm that icebergs were melting, sea levels would rise and we would all fry within a few years. Their motivation? An international treaty that would bind the industrialized nations to sharply reduce industrial production while forking over billions of dollars to non-industrialized ones. All these grand conferences are intended to produce that result. It’s social engineering on a worldwide scale. The state of the climate is only a vehicle to achieve it. 

Ms. H-P. I hadn’t thought of it that way. When I first observed that the sky was falling, I contacted a scientist friend who said I might be on to something. He’d noticed that the average temperature that year was up a little and he thought there might be a correlation. He spread to some of his colleagues and it caught on. Why one of them, James Hansen of NASA, became a regular Paul Revere sounding the alarm. During the George W. Bush Administration he claimed he was being muzzled, but he managed to give 1,400 interviews and turn out many alarming NASA press releases. Now it looks as if the temperature data he was using was wrong.

Us: Don’t forget John Holdren, President Obama’s science advisor. He’s been an alarmist for over 30 years. In 1971 he predicted a new ice age. He said it would be caused by burning jet fuel, agricultural dust and smog — all things generated by human activity. The ice age didn’t happen, so now he’s selling global warming.

Holdren was also involved in a Climategate e-mail exchange. And, he sought to undermine the professional credibility of two physicists for papers they published in which they concluded there was not persuasive evidence to support the widely held view that anthropogenic (that is, man-made) globe warming is a fact. 

Ms. H-P: I am devastated. Before I called you I canceled by tickets for Copenhagen. I’m just too depressed to attend. On top of that I haven’t been able to get through to our Pontiff, Al Gore. I was sure he would give me reassurance, but both his voice mailbox and his e-mailbox are full. He hasn’t said a word publicly since the Climategate scandal broke.

Us: Maybe that’s because he’s an investor in a firm that will sell “carbon credits” to companies that are over their quota. That would be a very profitable business if the Obama Cap-and-Trade bill were to pass the Senate. So, your Pontiff may be spending all his time in Washington lobbying. .

Ms. H-P: Oh.

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