What Democrats Would Say If They Told the Truth - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

What Democrats Would Say If They Told the Truth


We believe that the individual is an aberration of nature, selfish, destructive, morally pernicious, and intellectually idiotic. In fact, we believe that voters are fools. That is why we need a great State, so great that it can get into the minds of the people to lead them on the straight and narrow, away from their depravity, individualism, and addiction to money. We are only ones who can afford depravity, individualism, and addiction to money. 

Everything must be redistributed, starting with stupidity. There are very smart, hard-working people and very dumb, lazy people. Our main threat is the former. We need social justice, because those smart and hard-working people could effectively rebel against the State; in turn, theft, that is, redistribution, will generate hatred between those who pay more taxes and those who benefit from it. Our strategy is to turn both into confused idiots, and, if at all possible, suffering from depression. The only way to prevent intelligent, hard-working individuals from getting together and posing a threat is to divide them.

We strive for division on all levels and the scalpel we use to guarantee that estrangement is rancor. We need women to hate men, blacks to hate whites, vegans to hate meat-eaters, the poor to hate the rich, the unemployed to hate the employed, singles to hate those with large families, and so on. Our success consists in making the members of each of these categories believe that their counterpart has been taking advantage of them for centuries, mistreating them. Once their frustration is unstoppable, and their personal destruction is complete, to the point they have lost their identity, then the grand Democratic Government will appear ready to save them, to turn them into a victim worthy of protection. 

All of this costs money. I have a plan. Let’s raise taxes on workers. Let’s invest the proceeds in creating new groups lobotomized by the government, dependent, public aid, and social engineering policy junkies.

On the other hand, there are certain things that traditionally arouse social consensus; remember, our enemy is national unity. For example, religion, quiet environmentalism, sports, or the army. With religion, moreover, people put God before the State, and it is necessary to decapitate that alien power, both by injecting effective ideological poisons among the religious (like that liberation theology) and by promoting in society anything that goes against Divine law. 

As for environmentalism: It is enough to inoculate the postulates of environmental defense with Marxist theses, utilizing man’s natural concern for his environment as bait to attract him to causes that secretly lead the country to a communist state, our ultimate goal. Nothing as simple as global warming, something that can be indoctrinated with the techniques of false prophets, but changing the fear of God to the fear of Mother Earth exploding. With this, we are not only managing to ruin the middle classes, and abolish liberties, but also to increase public revenue, and predispose citizens, well trained by the pandemic, to the coming environmental blockades, thus exercising obedience to the Government. 

Internationally, we have the full support of the elites and the Davos forum. Domestically, we have the complicity of the culture industry and, more importantly, we have managed to infiltrate every level of the education system, submerging the new generations in the woke tide.

And finally, what moves people the most is love. Unfortunately, two people in love have a moral superpower that the government cannot fight against. To put an end to that, we have devised a plan, let’s call it gender ideology: We divide couples thanks to feminism, we prevent them from having too many children (because that makes people stronger and threatens the State) with abortion and the spread of contraception, we end the institution of the family and in exchange, we promote the disordered bond between man and animal to replace family affection, and, finally, we employ trans madness to turn the remaining ones into depressed, dependent victims; and those who manage to survive after being castrated, will have no choice but to vote for us. 

Save Amanda Gorman’s poetry, AOC’s speeches, the demagoguery of equality, entitlement, and populism. This is what all Democratic politicians would say if they dared to speak the truth to your face.

Translated by Joel Dalmau.

Itxu Díaz
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Itxu Díaz is a Spanish journalist, political satirist, and author. He has written 10 books on topics as diverse as politics, music, and smart appliances. He is a contributor to The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, National Review, American Conservative, and Diario Las Américas in the United States, as well as a columnist at several Spanish magazines and newspapers. He was also an adviser to the Ministry for Education, Culture, and Sports in Spain.
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