The Meaning of Deplorable - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Meaning of Deplorable


Hillary Clinton talks about half of the supporters of Donald Trump — they’re “racists… xenophobic… Islamophobic… homophobic… a basketful of deplorables.” Synonyms for “deplorable” on Wiki and in many print dictionaries:

 “Disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, inexcusable, unpardonable, deserving one’s loathing, wretched…”

So, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who made up a series of lies in the commodities markets and walked away with what was more likely a bribe of a hundred thousand bucks when she was in her school girl days is calling the people who want the government to enforce the laws wretched.

Mrs. Clinton, who was just found likely to have committed roughly THIRTY THOUSAND felonies by destroying e-mails subpoenaed by the U.S. Congress and smashing her Blackberries to bits with hammers to delete thousands of others, is calling people who want to have legitimate borders for this country and actual law enforcement “unforgivable”?

There are roughly sixty to seventy million supporters of Donald Trump right now. They want to have the existing laws on immigration enforced. Naturally, Mrs. Clinton, to whom the enforcement of laws is like what a crucifix is to a vampire, calls half of them — roughly 35 million Americans — “unpardonable.”

Hillary Clinton, who bullied the women her husband molested and sometimes raped, who shamed them and humiliated them and broke their spirits and threatened their children, calls the people who want to keep CONVICTED rapists out of this country “disgraceful.” Is there no depth too low?

Mrs. Hillary Clinton led a US Ambassador to be anally sodomized and murdered by her contempt and inaction, then blamed it all on a harmless maker of satiric films and sent him to prison and then sneered about the dead and her incompetence, “What difference — at this point, what difference does it make?” She thinks that people who want to have the police enforce the laws and keep thugs in prison are disgraceful.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton, who, along with Barack Hussein Obama, has simply murdered the reputation of the FBI and made the Justice Department her own harem, thinks that men and women who want to honor real law enforcement are racists.

And where the heck does the “homophobic” bit come from? When has Mr. Trump said even one word against homosexuals? Even one word? He hasn’t, of course, but that doesn’t stop Hillary. Likewise, Mr. Trump has not said one word against blacks. Again, where does the “racist” business come from? Of course it comes from her plan to win by dividing us up and making us hate each other. And Mr. Trump’s supporters are racists? And “unforgivable”?

This woman, who just uttered the most vile slanders against men and women whose only sin is supporting a candidate who dares to oppose her, who dares to oppose the media/Wall Street/White House buddy system, says that only she is “temperamentally fit” to be President. Really? Temperamentally fit to work for the KGB is more like it.

“History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awaken,” said James Joyce. This nightmare is happening right now before our eyes. We had better wake the heck up. A human being with this much rage, this much contempt for truth and law, in the White House. God help us.

Ben Stein
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Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes “Ben Stein’s Diary” for every issue of The American Spectator.
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