Ron DeSantis: Next Victim of the Democrats’ Digital Reign of Terror - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Ron DeSantis: Next Victim of the Democrats’ Digital Reign of Terror


Ron DeSantis is the newest target of the Democrat Party’s machine.

In last week’s Five Quick Things column, I noted something that has been obvious for a while but is nevertheless more starkly evident by the day, it seems like.

Which is that if you stand against the Democrat Party establishment, the Team Obama kleptocrats, race-hustlers, propagandists, and scoldy tyrants who displaced the old-school liberals at the head of that party somewhere around 2005, they will impose whatever consequences they can on you.

Without limits, without scruples, without regard to facts, and without the slightest calculation over whether they can make their attacks stick.

Certainly the tactics of the Obamunist gang preceded Barack Obama’s political rise. Those tactics are actually extremely old. They date at least as far back as the Bolshevik era and certainly to the birth of critical theory and cultural Marxism in the 1920s, when the communist crowd realized they couldn’t sell full-on economic Marxism to citizens of free countries whose ambitions were not to eat at the table of the bourgeoisie but to earn a wage substantial enough to have well-appointed tables of their own.

Truth be told, some of these tactics found their birth in the French Revolution, when it was hardly uncommon to be denounced by a liar on the basis of some political disagreement or other and shortly find yourself at the guillotine. The executions only survived on an off-and-on basis through history, depending on the horrors of the regime in question.

The lies, though? Those have only grown in sophistication and systematic application.

But it took a very long time for those tactics — Americanized by the Saul Alinskys of the world after they utterly failed when the Communist Party USA tried them in the time of Barack Obama’s intellectual and ideological (if not biological) father, Frank Marshall Davis — to begin bearing fruit.

What Obama brought was communist-style community organizing as the active ingredient behind the Democrats’ political ends. And “organizing” is not about winning arguments. It’s about keeping people outraged, on a razor’s edge. It’s about the utter demonization of anyone not representative of the new, forcefully established norm. It’s about shutting down discussion — and, in so doing, shutting down doubt about the wisdom or good faith of the organizers.

You disagree? Shut up, racist.

Obama did that to Hillary Clinton back in 2008. He did it so effectively that Clinton, one of the nastiest and most unscrupulous politicians in American history, largely gave him the kid-gloves treatment when he had a whole cemetery full of skeletons in his closet that could have been devastatingly exposed in the primaries. Then he famously did it to Mitt Romney in 2012, sending his attack dog Harry Reid out to slander Romney with the lie that he hadn’t paid taxes in a decade.

Then Team Obama paired up with Team Hillary in 2016 to concoct the worst smear in the history of American politics, cooking up a pack of lies disguised as “opposition research” and then peddling them to a corrupted FBI for the purpose not just of smearing Donald Trump with the accusation that he was in league with Vladimir Putin but also to spy on his campaign. When that didn’t work, the Machine Obama built used the lie to disrupt Trump’s first two years as our duly elected president — and the payoff was that Trump lost the House of Representatives in 2018.

The Russian-collusion scam got a reboot in 2020, when the Team Obama farm club that is Team Biden used it to smear the New York Post and others attempting to inform the public about Hunter Biden’s laptop. This was the Alinskyite lie used on defense rather than offense, but it was enough given the success of “organizing” in turning the 2020 election from a competition to persuade voters to one reduced to the collection of ballots that could be deposited into “drop boxes.”

These lies become bolder and more brazen with each iteration. There was the “Don’t Say Gay” one used to smear Florida’s legislature when it passed a bill restricting school officials from actively grooming young children for exotic sexualities, or sexualities in general. There was the “Jim Crow 2.0” lie used against the Georgia legislature when it passed election-integrity reforms of a mild nature to address what were manifest irregularities in that state’s conduct of the 2020 elections.

And there was the ongoing “domestic terrorism” lie, one which goes all the way back to the Bill Clinton era but is now so unmoored from evidence that “domestic terrorists” today include parents upset with critical race theory and transgender indoctrination at local school boards.

These lies are now backed with government power, in the person of the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, and, of course, the prosecutors of the U.S. Department of Justice, who are fully weaponized behind the various narratives concocted by the Machine Obama built.

They’ve been weaponized against Trump time and again. But they’re now unleashed against anyone who might be inconvenient.

Take Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for example, who is now branded an anti-Semite for simply citing a Cleveland Clinic study that noted that Ashkenazi Jews and ethnic Chinese seemed to be “winners” in the COVID pandemic, as the virus treated them less harshly than it did other whites and black people. Nobody involved believes RFK Jr. is an anti-Semite; that isn’t the point of this. He has to be destroyed because the bare-bones, non-campaign campaign that Team Biden is planning for 2024 absolutely depends on his having zero Democrat opposition in the primaries, and Kennedy simply has not agreed to go away.

Once they turned their guns on RFK Jr., there was no denying this is what’s going on. They’re also smearing Kennedy as some sort of alt-right figure, which is utterly hilarious — five minutes of listening to the man speak reveals him as an old-school Daniel Patrick Moynihan liberal without a conservative bone in his body.

They even smeared Jason Aldean for the sin of singing in praise of law and order, which is a column in itself.

But the lies and smears continue unabated and unshackled, with unsuspecting reactionaries and Girondins plucked from society and lined up for the Obama Machine’s guillotine by its digital and broadcast Robespierres.

The new idiocy is that Ron DeSantis personally favors slavery because Florida’s new education standards include a history curriculum that makes mention of the fact that some slave owners educated their slaves and/or taught them marketable skills that led to their benefit — and, more to the point, there were a goodly number of black Americans who made their way out of slavery based on their talent and character and managed to move up in the world even despite such a deficient and unjust system.

Naturally this had to be a subject upon which Kamala Harris, the descendant of Jamaican slaveowners, had to opine publicly:

CNN contributor Scott Jennings succinctly tore this apart, with the money line being the fact that the Florida curriculum was written by black history scholars and not by DeSantis himself:

The Obama/Biden Machine even broke Cedric Richmond, the crooked New Orleans pol who has somehow become Team Biden’s racial Robespierre, out to run his mouth about how racist DeSantis is. Here’s what Cedric said:

Here’s what’d I say: I think Ron DeSantis needs another campaign reset already if he wants any shot at resonating with mainstream voters. His comments in support of the idea that slavery had its benefits for slaves are obviously disgusting but they’re also a symptom of the extremism that’s infected the Republican candidates running for president. There’s no debate over slavery…. It was utterly evil with zero redeeming qualities. Not a single Republican candidate has condemned this effort to rewrite history. Not a single Republican candidate has any business running this country.

DeSantis came out in support of the standards. He didn’t come out in support of slavery. And you certainly are not a proponent of human bondage — something the Obama/Biden Machine is openly facilitating at our southern border, by the way — if you recognize that there was black achievement and upward mobility in the antebellum South even amid that terrible system.

As there was actual kindness and philanthropy. For example, John McDonogh was one of the richest men in America and owned more slaves than practically anyone else, but he systematically educated and then freed his slaves. McDonogh later built much of the public school system in New Orleans, which was at least a well-intentioned effort, and many of the schools in the city bore his name and a number in recognition of his works. McDonogh is, of course, now largely canceled — proving that to these people, no good deed may go unpunished.

The facts don’t matter to these people. They operate in nothing but bad faith. This isn’t the last time they’ll smear DeSantis; anyone who they see as standing in their way will be lied about.

Because there are no consequences. None. At least none that they recognize.

If we had more space, I’d delve into the fact that in the Judeo-Christian nation that America was founded to be, you couldn’t engage in this kind of gutter politics on such a grand scale. People wouldn’t stand for it. But we’re beyond that point now, and we don’t have standards that high anymore.

We don’t have standards at all. What we have is the digital Reign of Terror, with its guillotine slicing away the good name of all of its victims.

Thank Obama for this. It’s one more contribution he and his fellow Jacobins gave us.

Scott McKay
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Scott McKay is a contributing editor at The American Spectator  and publisher of the Hayride, which offers news and commentary on Louisiana and national politics, and, a national political news aggregation and opinion site. Scott is also the author of The Revivalist Manifesto: How Patriots Can Win The Next American Era, and, more recently, Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It's All Obama, available November 21. He’s also a writer of fiction — check out his four Tales of Ardenia novels Animus, Perdition, Retribution and Quandary at Amazon.
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