Horror Show - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Horror Show

Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University on April 22, 2024 (lev radin/Shutterstock)

On Oct. 7 of last year, Arab terrorists committed the worst atrocities against human beings in the Western world since the end of the Holocaust.

In a precisely planned attack, Hamas killed roughly 1,200 Israeli–Jewish civilians, including in an attack on an Israeli “Peace Festival” near the border with Gaza. The terrorists were especially cruel and brutal to females. They raped dozens of women and girls of all ages.

They killed some of them by shoving cruel instruments into their vaginas. They killed more by applying blow torches to their genitals.

It’s hard to believe it really happened, but it did. The attacks against women were unparalleled in history as far as I know. The savagery against women was literally breathtaking.

Now, Israel, which made immense security mistakes prior to the attacks, is fighting back. Israel is killing as many Hamas operatives as it can. Hamas terrorists, as is well known, hide behind children, hospitals, and mosques. Naturally, many civilians will be killed in such a situation, where the Israelis are using air power to wipe out as many Hamas militants as possible. This is not Israel’s fault. Even the Nazis under Hitler weren’t so vicious to their own people.

Then, a few days ago, the Iran terror state launched well over 300 drones and ballistic rockets against tiny little Israel. By the blessing of the Lord of Hosts, the Israeli air defense forces shot down about 99 percent of the Iranian weapons of death. These were rockets with 900-pound high explosive warheads aimed at major Israeli cities.

If they had gotten through the IDF miracle shields, thousands of Jewish children would have been killed. This was a serious war crime by Iran and its gangster “friends.”

So what do we have in return from the college “students” and “professors” all across the USA and western Europe? SHRIEKING SCREAMING THREATS OF DEATH TO ISRAEL AND THE USA. Campuses blocked. Glass bottles thrown at Jews and cops. The Nazis bombing the Jews are cheered on by the young and stupid across the world.

Women in particular can be seen en masse cheering on the worst criminals and psychopaths that we know of. They can be seen with their straight hair and Fogs and pearls screaming for Hamas, which has shown itself to be the prime hater of women on the planet.

No women in our great USA are standing up for women. DOCTOR Jill Biden is silent. The women in “The Squad,” the women powers in finance and politics and media keep silent about the monstrosities against their fellow women.

This is criminal insanity. How did mankind go so crazy? Maybe that’s the way it’s always been. “Your basic human is not such a hot item,” says my sister.

We are a sick, pathetic, evil species, we humans. Israel has finally gotten the message: Words and morality plays mean nothing. Weapons and guts are what it’s all about.

By the way, I went to Columbia and I am deeply ashamed. I also went to Yale and I loved it until this week. “Heil Hitler.” That’s the real message. It rings out from New York and New Haven and Los Angeles. The evil running around the earth right now is a shame for the whole species.

Ben Stein
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Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes “Ben Stein’s Diary” for every issue of The American Spectator.
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