Hold the Butter - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Hold the Butter


Earlier today, I wrote my initial thoughts about Sharon Bielak’s accusations against Herman Cain particularly where it concerned the comments of her attorney Gloria Allred.

Prior to writing my commentary, Ross Kaminsky declared, “Get out the butter: unfortunately, Herman Cain’s campaign is toast.”

Well, I say hold the butter. And for that matter the marmalade. I am simply not convinced that Cain is done:

Again, I have no idea whether Bialek’s story is true, but at this point there is simply too much smoke not to assume a fire, even for those of us who like Cain and could imagine supporting him for the presidency.

If I were Cain, I would strongly consider giving this up and making sure to save my marriage.

Give Ross a gold star. We don’t know if Bielak’s story is true. Doesn’t the truth matter? Or do we live in an age where accusations equal truth? Are we to take Bielak’s claims at face value? If not then why on earth should Cain drop out of the race if the story is a bald faced lie?

Yes there’s smoke. But I think it’s being blown where the moon don’t shine. As for the other women who have leveled accusations we still don’t know the substance of these other allegations other than they “were not overtly sexual.” Bielak not only accuses Cain of being overtly sexual but of being physically violent. Something just doesn’t add up here.

As for Herman and Gloria Cain, somehow I don’t think their marriage is an issue. They’ve been married for over 43 years. I can’t imagine there are a lot of secrets between them.

I have a radical idea. Let the people decide Herman Cain’s fate. Maybe the seeds of doubt will germinate and his campaign will be buried in dirt. Or perhaps people will recognize weeds, punish those who sow the seeds of discontent and see fit to help Herman Cain rise to the top.

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