E. Jean Carroll Reelects Trump? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

E. Jean Carroll Reelects Trump?


You can’t make it up.

Writer E. Jean Carroll has won a preposterous $83 million in a defamation lawsuit — her second — against former President Donald Trump for allegedly defaming her in 2019. She had written back there in the stone age of 2019 in the New Yorker that:

Trump attacked me in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman

Breitbart has done the much-needed investigative homework on this story, headlining:

15 Facts About E. Jean Carroll’s Allegations Against Trump the Media Don’t Want You to Know

The story goes into chapter and verse on this allegation, saying:

What has continually fallen under the radar is the fact that there are serious concerns with the woman’s entire story.

Indeed, there are.

Breitbart’s list of what seems — curiously — to not be getting serious media attention in all this includes the fact that Bergdorf Goodman has no surveillance video of the alleged incident, there are no witnesses with sales personnel and or other customers, and, oh yes, her story surfaced “while promoting her book What Do We Need Men For? in 2019, which featured a list of ‘The Most Hideous Men of My Life.’”

The Breitbart story has much more and is decidedly worth a read.

But there is, in fact, a considerably amazing and amusing political consequence of all these legal attacks on the former president. Here are some sample stories.

CBS headlined in August 2023:

CBS News poll finds Trump’s big lead grows, as GOP voters dismiss indictments

The story reported:

Well, there’s no debate about this: Right now, the Republican Party would easily renominate Donald Trump for 2024. And it’s not close.

The former president now holds his largest lead over his rivals in our polling amid his recent legal troubles. In fact, most of his voters cite those troubles as yet one more reason to show him support.

The New York Times headlined:

Trump’s Legal Jeopardy Hasn’t Hurt His G.O.P. Support, Times/Siena Poll Finds 

The Times reported, emphasis added:

Support for Mr. Trump in the Times/Siena poll is so thorough that 62 percent of Republicans think that if the former president wins the primary he should remain the Republican Party’s nominee — even if he is subsequently convicted of a federal crime.

“What they’re doing to the man is a crime,” James Howe, 81, a retired airline worker in Phoenix, said of Mr. Trump. “There’s been nobody in the history of this country that so many people have tried to convict him of a crime.

Then there was this from NPR:

Donald Trump’s repeated legal woes have given him a boost in the polls

The story reports:

Donald Trump survived many scandals as president, including two impeachments. After two indictments and a possible third, he’s still the undisputed front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination.

It goes on to highlight an NPR White House correspondent being asked by an NPR host:

Is it really true that Donald Trump gets a bump when he gets indicted?

To which the NPR correspondent replied:

I mean, for the most part, yes…

There are oh-so-many more stories like these out there.

All of which can easily be seen as millions of Americans see the repeated legal targeting of Trump as nothing less than an attack on … them.

Which is to say, Trump supporters are demanding big changes in the “swamp” of Washington, D.C.

They want out-of-control bureaucracies reduced in size when not shut down completely. They don’t believe men should be competing in women’s sports. They want judges on the bench that support the Constitution rather than insert their own liberal politics into their decisions. And they are fed up with the massive invasion of illegal immigrants who are swarming the country, not to mention stories like this one in the Washington Examiner that opens by reporting:

A Virginia woman is suing the Biden administration for $100 million in a wrongful death lawsuit that blames the Department of Homeland Security for the murder of her daughter after Border Patrol agents allegedly released an unaccompanied minor from custody despite his alleged ties to MS-13, the Washington Examiner has learned.

And that’s all before you even get to the latest Biden appeasement that has now resulted in Iran’s killing of three American troops. Not to mention the murder of 13 American soldiers in Afghanistan. (READ MORE: Iran Proxies Kill Three US Soldiers in Middle East)

Collectively, all of this sends one very large message: that a massively overblown lawsuit of much challenged truth by a writer who literally told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that “most people think rape is sexy” is, one suspects, going to lift Trump’s polls even more.

Not to mention that the preposterous $83 million verdict for Carroll against Trump from a left-wing Trump-hating New York legal and political establishment will send one more sign that the American legal and political establishment is corrupted and decidedly out of control. It is, yet again, one more instance of a serious and decidedly deliberate corruption. All in the name of left-wing politics.

In other words?

Time after time after time it has become clear that when Trump is targeted legally by his enemies — his polls go up.

Raising the decidedly amusing realization that writer E. Jean Carroll is so politically clueless that she does not realize what she has done with her massive legal targeting of Trump may well contribute big time to reelecting him.

Talk about a backfire — and a decidedly amusing one at that.

As the saying goes, ya can’t make it up.

Jeffrey Lord
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Jeffrey Lord, a contributing editor to The American Spectator, is a former aide to Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. An author and former CNN commentator, he writes from Pennsylvania at jlpa1@aol.com. His new book, Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and The New American Populism vs. The Old Order, is now out from Bombardier Books.
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