A Spinster of This Parish - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

A Spinster of This Parish

Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

I see the Donald took off on the neo-puritan Mitt Romney for criticizing the Ukraine phone call. Mitt called the call “brazen.” Showing his ignorance of history, he also called it “unprecedented.” Anyone who believes American presidents have never sought political help from foreign leaders would have no trouble swallowing the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. In return, The Donald, the hardest-hitting counterpuncher ever to occupy 1600, called Romney “a pompous ass” and “a fool.”

Well, I guess truth is no longer a defense. At least in progressive circles. The mainstream media, wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democratic National Committee, took to their fainting couches. The Washington Post, famously silent about the f-bombs dropped by various left picadors, called Donald’s remarks “crude.” A little like being called ugly by a frog, eh?

It would not be surprising that if Donald is impeached, which seems increasingly likely, that Romney would be the only Republican senator to vote to convict. I’ve no idea how this might go over at home. My hope is that the Rev. Romney is too fastidious even for Utah, and that Mittens will be a one-term senator. Should I have occasion to mention Mitt in a future column, I think I’ll describe him as “a spinster of this parish.”

Larry Thornberry
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Larry Thornberry is a writer in Tampa.
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