Fauci Wants You Captive Until Spring 2022 - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Fauci Wants You Captive Until Spring 2022


I trust Anthony Fauci just as much as I trust Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. And I have about as much faith in Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as I have in a detailed analysis of my coffee grounds. Fauci and Tedros have so far failed in all their forecasts, so much so that if you want to survive, it pays to do the exact opposite of what they tell you. Now Fauci has again put a date to the end of the pandemic. He is beginning to look like the Mayan apocalypse enthusiasts who every year propose a new date for the end of the world just as soon as their previous prediction date has come and gone. Thus, Fauci predicted last Monday on CNN that the coronavirus pandemic will finally be under control by the spring of 2022. Good. The big question now is when Fauci will be under control.

Dr. Pandemic has spoken about freedom, but in his own way. He believes that “the time has come” for companies and institutions to force their employees to get vaccinated. Interesting verb: to force. And instantly, as if struck by a bad conscience, he said, “I respect people’s freedom, but when you’re talking about a public health crisis that we’ve been going through now for well over a year and a half, the time has come.”

This is a typical kind of respect for freedom expressed by any given socialist. Let’s see:

“I respect people’s freedom, but we are going to raise taxes.” (Democratic kind of respect)

“I respect people’s freedom, but that nasty polluting car should be taken out of circulation.” (general political kind of respect)

“I respect people’s freedom, but smoking is forbidden.” (universal social Democratic kind of respect)

“I respect people’s freedom, but we must prevent doctors from being able to exercise conscientious objection in cases of abortion or euthanasia.” (a kind of socialist-European respect)

“I respect people’s freedom, but follow me please.” (Cuban kind of respect)

“I respect people’s freedom but within Sharia compliance [indecipherable shouting, sound of gunfire].” (Taliban kind)

This whole pandemic business has driven the entire political class crazy. When comparing different countries, there is hardly any difference between left-wing and right-wing madness. The only voices clamoring for personal liberties have been those raised in opposition groups, and not always unanimously. The law of fear reigns harsher than ever in a society that has left God too far aside to trust in Him even a little, and not hand over every single freedom to Xi Jinping’s WHO friends.

Fear, once again, has become a steamroller capable of tearing down the walls of freedom so painstakingly erected by our Founding Fathers. And Fauci has contributed decisively to the fear, and to the irrational and arbitrary impositions that are devastating our economies, our prosperity, and ultimately spoiling precious years of our lives.

Fauci also said on CNN something that seems like it was taken from Biden’s phrase book: “But again, there’s a big caveat there — this is a very wily virus.” Oh, yeah. Very wily. He’s such a wily virus that he wakes up every morning and starts thinking up ways to mutate and vengefully infect people. But let’s not be intolerant. According to leftist theories, maybe the virus had a difficult childhood: it must suck to be a baby virus and have to spend your whole damn childhood in a Wuhan test tube.

Look, I’m beginning to think that I should call for a new contest for the Dummy of the Year. Because, as if we didn’t have enough with Fauci, the WHO has already invented another socialist term to help it interfere in the policies of our once sovereign nations. “Vaccine inequity.” I’m not sure if it refers to differences in the depth of the needle prick, to people who only have one arm, or to how pretty some nurses are when compared to others. I have experienced this vaccine inequity firsthand. My friend was vaccinated by a gruff nurse who weighed about 300 kilos. When it was my turn, a beautiful nurse gave me the second dose of Pfizer. It only took a few seconds, and when my gaze met her deep blue eyes, I couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you have another one for me, my dear, even if it’s tetanus? Come on, just a quick jab.” I live in love and, Fauci, you must understand, I can’t wait until spring 2022 for that booster jab.

Itxu Díaz
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Itxu Díaz is a Spanish journalist, political satirist, and author. He has written 10 books on topics as diverse as politics, music, and smart appliances. He is a contributor to The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, National Review, American Conservative, and Diario Las Américas in the United States, as well as a columnist at several Spanish magazines and newspapers. He was also an adviser to the Ministry for Education, Culture, and Sports in Spain.
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