Obama Is As Petulant As Ever - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Obama Is As Petulant As Ever


Where it concerns President Obama, I have never bought the argument that he was “No Drama Obama”.

It’s been nearly six years since I challenged Christopher Buckley’s claim that Obama possessed “a first class temperament”. In fact, I described Obama’s disposition as petulant:

If Obama’s term in office thus far can be summed up with a single word I would choose petulant. Merriam-Webster defines petulant as “insolent or rude in speech or behavior”; “characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor.” This fits Obama to a tee.

I think it is fair to say that petulant was a word one could have used to describe President Obama’s remarks yesterday concerning the radical Islamic terrorist attack in Orlando (which he will not characterize as such). CNN, an outlet friendly to Obama, used the word “tirade”. Our own Larry Thornberry, in a marvelous takedown, called it “the most dishonest speech Barack Obama has made in all his years at 1600. And the most cringe-inducing.”

What Obama’s speech did not do was to inspire confidence nor did it provide reassurance. The deaths of 49 Americans at the hands of an ISIS terrorist does not excite the fury and passion of Obama that is aroused when someone dares to criticize him, Donald Trump or no Donald Trump. After all, when ISIS beheaded journalist James Foley, he casually went out for a round of golf. But when Republicans dared question the wisdom of Obama’s Syrian refugee policy, he called their opposition a “potent recruitment tool” for ISIS.

Say what you will about President Bush. He never criticized Democrats in this manner. Ever. Democrats criticized Bush viciously during his two terms in office, but he let it roll down like water off his back. Probably too much so. But in the grand scheme of things Bush’s temperament was light years ahead of Obama never mind that of Hillary or Trump. We often don’t appreciate what we have until its gone.

As for Obama, I believe his petulance will only get worse during his last seven months in office especially as he gears up to campaign on behalf of Hillary. The more Obama his loses his cool, the more anxious the public gets. And the more anxious the public gets, the more Donald Trump stands to gain.

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