Did Kerry Serve Obama a Cold Dish? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Did Kerry Serve Obama a Cold Dish?


Matt Purple wonders if Secretary of State John Kerry “may have gone rogue” after indicating that President Obama could launch a military attack on Syria even if Congress doesn’t give its blessing.

From where I sit, Kerry is getting even with Obama. After all, Kerry tells the world we have to bomb Syria right now only to get a phone call from Obama telling him he’s decided to seek Congressional authorization. That certainly undercut Kerry’s presentation and could not have made him happy. Let us also remember that the White House reined in Kerry a couple of months back for freelancing such as when he, amongst other things, suggested he could rein in none other than Bashar Assad.

So instead of getting mad, Kerry got even by telling a reporter Obama could go to war even if Congress said no. Sure that won’t make a lot of people on Capitol Hill very happy. But I’m sure Kerry made that statement knowing full well it would not make wavering Congressmen inclined to vote for authorization. 

Kerry just served Obama a very cold dish.

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