Hillary Clinton, Not Goldman Sachs, Set Six Figure Speaking Fees - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Hillary Clinton, Not Goldman Sachs, Set Six Figure Speaking Fees


During last night’s debate, Hillary Clinton insisted that, despite her career in public office, preceded by her career as the wife of someone in public office, preceded by a career as an aspirant to public office, that not of that made her an ‘Establishment’ candidate. Additionally, Hillary Clinton insisted, she couldn’t possibly be ‘Establishment’ because she’s a woman, and as we all know, as long as you have a functioning set of ladyparts, there’s no chance you could be part of the corrupt and incestuous Washington elite, trading niceties and Cayman Islands banking advice with DC’s shadow financiers. 

Oddly enough, while there are many members of DC’s Establishment, few have the honor of having cashed checks from Wall Street bigwigs directly. Hillary Clinton, who gave several six figure speeches to various investment banks — including one to Goldman Sachs for $675,000 – is one of them. Hillary inists that Goldman Sachs wasn’t so much paying for the pleasure of her company at her request, as they were offering her a sizable chunk of change as a “thank you” gift. But according to a report from the Washington Examiner, it was Hillary’s agent who made the overture, and who requested her substantial payday.

Hillary Rodham Clinton on CNN Wednesday brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as “what they offered me,” but the flip answer ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents.

During the period of the Goldman Sachs and many other top dollar speeches, she was represented by the Harry Walker Agency, which calls itself “the world’s leading speaker’s bureau.”

Goldman Sachs certainly didn’t get a deal. Clinton’s “normal” fee is just shy of $300,000, half of what Goldman Sachs paid. But details of her Goldman Sachs engagement are sketchy, as the event was private, and it’s possible that she stayed at Goldman Sachs longer than she stayed for other speeches, like the one the Examiner lists at the University of Buffalo, where she charged “only” $275,000.

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