Zimmerman Suit Spells Trouble for Black Lives Matter - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Zimmerman Suit Spells Trouble for Black Lives Matter

Protester holds sign with George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, and others, Miami, Florida, May 31, 2020 (Tverdokhlib/Shutterstock.com)

I read the “Second Amended Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial” filed August 12 on behalf of George Zimmerman against Sybrina Fulton, Benjamin Crump, et al. without illusion. The major media will shrug off the suit, and even the trial if it comes to that, and Black Lives Matter (BLM) will likely continue on its meretricious way.

But maybe not. BLM was launched in 2013 “in response to” Zimmerman’s acquittal in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin a year earlier. In predicting that “Trayvon Martin will forever remain in the annals of history next to Medgar Evers and Emmett Till, as symbols for the fight for equal justice for all,” Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump captured the confused mood of much of black America.

Emmett Till, a 14-year-old Chicago boy, was brutally lynched for allegedly flirting with a white woman in 1955 Mississippi. The courageous civil rights leader Medgar Evers took a bullet in the back from a racist assassin in 1963 Mississippi. The wayward Trayvon Martin took a bullet to the chest while bashing in the head of a Hispanic man and civil rights activist he had gratuitously attacked in a multi-ethnic Florida community.

Benjamin Crump, the seeming heir to Al Sharpton’s perverse race riot fiefdom, confirmed the validity of social philosopher Eric Hoffer’s observation, “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” Zimmerman’s lawsuit has the potential to show just what a racket the “civil rights” movement has become.

I attended the Zimmerman trial in July 2013, visited with Bob Zimmerman, George’s father, and surveyed the crime scene. At the time, I was writing a book on the case with a deadline six-weeks post-trial. I was guided in my research by the excellent, crowd-sourced deconstruction of the incident done by “Sundance” and his fellow “Treepers” at the blogging collective, “The Conservative Treehouse.”

We all knew Zimmerman was innocent. We all thought he would be acquitted in anything resembling a fair trial. And we all suspected, but could not prove, that the State of Florida’s star witness, the girlfriend allegedly on the phone with Martin at the moment of his death, was a flat-out impostor.

In his stunning 2019 documentary and book of the same name, The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud That Divided America, Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert proved what we all suspected: The prosecution’s key witness, Rachel Jeantel, was an impostor. To close the case, Gilbert went and found the real girlfriend, Brittany Diamond Eugene, a then-16-year-old Haitian-American woman.

With impressive clarity, the Zimmerman lawsuit lays out the case against the defendants — Trayvon’s father Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s mother Sybrina Fulton, Eugene, Jeantel, Crump, and HarperCollins, the publisher of Crump’s compendium of lies, Legalized Genocide of Colored People. First, the facts, presented in the suit:

On February 26, 2012, Zimmerman was driving to Target at around 7 PM when he spotted Trayvon standing in the rain between two townhomes and making no attempt to get out of the rain. Zimmerman pulled over and called a non-emergency number that the neighborhood watch members had been advised to call. Trayvon, while on the phone with Defendant Eugene, then approached and circled Zimmerman’s parked car while Zimmerman was still speaking to the dispatcher. Trayvon then departed the area of Zimmerman’s car and the dispatcher repeatedly asked Zimmerman which way the person had gone, prompting Zimmerman to get out of his car to try to assist the dispatcher. Zimmerman answered “okay” in agreement after being asked by the dispatcher not to follow Trayvon and Zimmerman began walking back to his parked car.

The media routinely edited the “okay” out of Zimmerman’s response to the dispatcher. That omission allowed them to sell the notion of Zimmerman as stalker. He wasn’t. The suit continues:

When almost at his car, Trayvon appeared and approached Zimmerman from behind and called out “What’s your problem?” As Zimmerman answered, “I don’t have a problem,” Trayvon immediately punched Zimmerman in the nose, breaking it, and straddled him as he fell to the ground. Trayvon then began slamming Zimmerman’s head onto the concrete sidewalk as Zimmerman yelled for help at least 14 times according to 911 audio recordings. According to eyewitness, Jonathan Good, Trayvon was punching Zimmerman “MMA Style” while Zimmerman was on the ground.

Those who followed the trial closely knew that the “little boy” Trayvon was a half-foot taller than Zimmerman and an experienced street fighter, but there is much they did not know:

In the evening of March 18 [2012, three weeks after the shooting], Defendant Eugene was finally coerced under pressure into agreeing to make an on the record statement incriminating Zimmerman. Defendant Eugene tweeted about the extreme duress she was under, “Can’t believe this is happening to me. Crying.” She was instructed to meet with Defendants Fulton and Crump the next day after school at Defendant Fulton’s home.

By all accounts, Eugene did meet with Fulton, Trayvon’s mom and a current candidate for Miami-Dade county commissioner, at Fulton’s home on March 19. Eugene also talked to Crump, possibly in person but certainly on the phone:

In that recorded call, Defendant Eugene repeated almost word for word Defendant Crump’s false narrative that Trayvon was just trying to get home with candy for his little brother when attacked by Zimmerman based on skin color.

On March 20, Crump played this phone interview at a nationally televised press conference, declaring boldly, “We have all the evidence now,” and, “Arrest George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin!” The media loved this story and reported Crump’s version uncritically. On March 23, President Obama famously aligned himself with Crump by saying, “If I had son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Obama was unaware that Trayvon’s life had descended into a street-level Inferno of burglary, gun dealing, drugs, fighting, and school suspensions.

To compel the arrest of Zimmerman, Crump needed Eugene, the phone witness, to lie to state prosecutors. Along the way, however, she got cold feet. On April 2, when the state attorneys arrived in Miami, Sybrina Fulton directed them to Eugene’s home. Fulton knew the way. She had driven Eugene there two weeks prior. Upon being told Eugene was visiting a friend, the prosecutors and Fulton headed to a second address. When they knocked on the door, the plot took a semi-comic turn:

Defendant Jeantel appeared and claimed that she was “Diamond Eugene.” Defendant Eugene could in no way be mistaken for Defendant Jeantel, who was 2 years older, 5 inches taller, and about 120 pounds heavier than Defendant Eugene. Defendant Fulton saw Defendant Jeantel and immediately called Defendant Eugene, who tweeted at about that same time at 6:27 PM “Trayvon Martin Mom just called me” and at 6:32 PM “She thought I was Trayvon Girlfriend, Asking Me Hella Questions. Confused.”

I say only semi-comic because this outlandish judicial fraud, the most consequential in memory, wrecked Zimmerman’s life and ultimately set up the launch of the nation’s most racially intimidating organization since the KKK, namely BLM. In my book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, I explore Obama’s role in selling BLM’s lies to the public first in Florida and later in Ferguson — “Hands up, don’t shoot” — Missouri.

The Zimmerman lawsuit contains much more detail, most of it damning, all of it irrefutable. If the suit is to have any chance of restoring sanity to the civil rights movement, the conservative media, starting at the top, will have to shame their mainstream brethren into covering it.

This won’t be easy. A generation ago, journalists saw themselves as Atticus Finch standing tall at the county jail demanding due process. Starting with the Zimmerman trial, they joined the mob out front demanding the head of the innocent.

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, will be published on August 18.

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