The Blame Israel Horror Show - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Blame Israel Horror Show

Sen. Chuck Schumer blames Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for Gaza conflict (CBS News/Youtube)

Can this really be happening? Arab terrorists attack an Israeli peace festival for young people near the border with Gaza. The terrorists kill 1,200 Israelis, mostly girls and young people. They drag four hundred or so into their tunnels built with money paid for largely by Arab oil states.

There, they rape and kill hundreds of young people, mostly girls. They torture everyone they can find. They kill women and girls by stabbing their vaginas and then attacking them with blow torches. They brag about it all over the world by Internet.

Israel strikes back and defends itself with its superb air force and infantry. Because the Arab terrorists have placed military installations and ammunition in Mosques and schools and civilian neighborhoods, there are many civilian casualties — PURPOSELY caused by Hamas.

There network of support and medical care — pitiful at the start — is disrupted. Who does “the world” blame? The terrorists who started it all?

No, of course not. Israel gets blamed for defending itself and striking back. Of course, the Jews get blamed for what the Arab terrorists started.

In World War II, the Germans bombed zero American civilians. Not any. But the USAAF bombed almost all of Germany and Austria into ruins. At least two million were killed by blast and the aftermath of the bombing. Did the world blame America? Not at all. Did it blame Germany? Barely. U.S. aid for West Germany quickly turned that state into the foremost Western power after the U.S.

Only the Jews get blamed for defending themselves. And they are blamed by the Democrat party, which here at home is desperately seeking to wreck the Constitution by substituting judges and juries for the voters.

Morally, we are in sad shape. It’s dark days here at home and in the world. And “the world” means (as I have often said) angry, vile anti-Semites as always — except in America, which the Democrats are desperately and I mean desperately trying to end as we know it.

What would we have done in 1941 if the Japanese had seized Honolulu and raped and killed all the women they could find? What would Churchill have done if the Nazis tortured and raped all of the Parisian women they could find? But only Israel is expected not only to stop bombing Hamas but to send them food and medicine. And the mentally and morally disabled Democrats support the killers and rapists.

If the seditionist, rebellion-minded party of the Democrats wins this fall, we can only pray.

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Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes “Ben Stein’s Diary” for every issue of The American Spectator.
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