Demi Lovato Glorifies Destruction of the Unborn - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Demi Lovato Glorifies Destruction of the Unborn


One year after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Demi Lovato released a new song denouncing the pro-life movement. Titled “Swine,” the music includes graphic language and anti-Christian symbolism — such as a mock parody of the Last Supper. (READ MORE: Five Quick Things: The Delicious Denouement of Affirmative Action)

Lovato sings

God forbid I wanna f*** whoever the f*** I want. And if he c***, I guess I gotta be a mother.

Wordsworth weeps. 

Lovato continues her worship of death by calling Christians “hypocrites” for not supporting women’s rights. She sings that it’s “your book [the Bible] but my survival.” 

Perhaps Lovato would be surprised to learn that the only person’s survival who is at stake in abortion is the innocent baby inside the womb, but Lovato is too concerned about the burden of motherhood: 

We gotta grow ’em, we gotta raise ’em, we gotta feed ’em and bathe ’em.

God forbid Lovato learn to love, raise, and care for a baby. 

The anti-mother sentiment among abortion advocates is genuinely disgusting — their songs demonstrate their hatred of motherhood.  

In a statement, Lovato explained why she created the song. 

I created ‘SWINE’ to amplify the voices of those who advocate for choice and bodily autonomy. I want this song to empower not only the birthing people of this country, but everyone who stands up for equality, to embrace their agency and fight for a world where every person’s right to make decisions about their own body is honored.

As explained by the pro-life movement hundreds of times, this issue is not about bodily autonomy or individual rights. By equating the abortion argument with bodily autonomy, pro-abortion activists have focused on the woman’s body at the expense of sacred life. 

Brayden Dean is a rising senior at the University of Georgia. He studies international relations and political science with a minor in law, jurisprudence, and state. A member of The American Spectator’s intern class of 2023, Brayden enjoys sipping a hot cup of coffee while reading a book.


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