Complicit Media Wants Israel to Spare the Children - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Complicit Media Wants Israel to Spare the Children


Apple News this week featured a report from Gaza. It is typical of the storyline mainstream media is flogging, and not much different (surprise!) from the narrative being diffused from Antony Blinken’s Foggy Bottom and other state (lowercase “s”) organs. It’s the children, of course.

READ MORE from Shmuel Klatzkin: First, De-Nazify Gaza

Surely everyone cares about those innocents who are suffering for a massacre they did not perpetrate and for policies that they did not make. Their lot is tragic. They shouldn’t be suffering. No moral person could disagree.

But the story is crafted to skip a few well-concealed steps and to make the listener or the reader conclude that it is similarly obvious and indisputable that the responsibility to stop hurting the children is on Israel to stop its war against Hamas. 

To make that point, Apple summons in reporting from Gaza, which, to the degree that Hamas still has control, is controlled reporting. Mighty bad things befall reporters and their outlets in Gaza who report critically on Hamas.

Even better: It was Doctors Without Borders that was supplying the “facts” for this report, a group with a long history of bending the narrative to portray all Hamas violence as heroic resistance to insufferable Israeli suppression. Dr. Gerald Steinberg wrote a searing indictment of Doctors Without Borders more than a month into the new Gaza war, stating that “it has repeatedly and very visibly failed in its stated mission to provide ‘independent and impartial medical humanitarian assistance.’” (See Steinberg’s whole article in the New York Post. See also NGO Monitor’s full review of that group’s alliance with the eliminationists of Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and others.)

Suffice it to say, they emphasized only the suffering of the children of Gaza. 

And those children do suffer.

Successful hate groups always go for the children. They sacrifice their minds and souls to the cause, training them in hatred and self-sacrificial devotion to the cause of extermination. Hitler Youth, Komsomol, Hamas’ youth groups, and, yes, the standard textbooks taught by Hamas allies on the payroll of UNRWA, which Scranton Joe made sure at the very start of his administration U.S. taxpayers would start finding again — they all want to train the kids to be happy to die and suffer for the cause. Just ask a vet from Iraq or Afghanistan about what they had to expect upon seeing an 11-year-old kid approach them. Or ask the families of the soldiers maimed or killed by these young lives warped by those who should have been protecting them.

Though there are not many of them left, ask a World War II vet about meeting the pre-teens who were turned out in uniform during the last days of the war in Germany. Watch the brilliant film Jojo Rabbit, about a young boy who imagines that his idol, Hitler, is talking to him and instructing him how to keep hating properly.

The bad guys go for the kids. They make the kids expendable in their cause. They plan it. They count on it.

So, in the fight to destroy Nazism, it’s no wonder the kids suffered. Those who weren’t drafted and sent to fight had almost as much chance of death or injury as the German cities were reduced to rubble by bombardment from the air and, later, by (mostly) Russian artillery. Hitler was not going to surrender. He had already sworn that he would take Germany down with him — just as, in his favorite opera, Götterdämmerung, when the hero dies, the flames of his funeral pyre consume Valhalla as well. He wanted them dead.

Hamas has certainly shown about the same loving concern for its citizens, especially children, as Hitler did for his, another point in the long list of similarities. They clearly regard such care for children as a weakness to be exploited in their enemies. Hamas certainly does not care for Jewish children, except to murder, torture, or hold hostage, believing that the weakness of Israel will get its people to agree to freeing any number of convicted murderers of their own children just to get some living children back.

So far, they have not been wrong. Certainly, they have had little trouble getting many voices in the West to go along with them, all the way to the top levels of Team Biden. They are busy pushing this line now, along with their media allies — save the children, both Jew and Arab, they say.

And the only ones they are addressing are Israel.

But a mature adult takes responsibility for the predictable future. A mature adult plans for himself and herself as they will be down the road. A mature adult considers whether this plan to save their dear children now will endanger children who are just as dear in the future. And when a Hamas leader says publicly that Oct. 7 is only the first of many such operations, you know that allowing Hamas to survive is to endanger knowingly those very real children in just a few years — or months, or weeks, or days — down the line.

There is one sure way to end the suffering for all the children of Gaza, both Jews and Arabs: release the hostages and surrender to justice all participants in the Oct. 7 horrors. If anyone cared about all the children, that’s the only thing they would ask. To condemn more children to suffering and death by allowing Hamas to escape is inexcusably evil.

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