UN Election Monitors Are Coming on Election Day - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

UN Election Monitors Are Coming on Election Day


How much emphasis will international monitors affiliated with the United Nations place on voter fraud allegations come Election Day?

Probably not that much since monitors recruited from parts of Europe and Asia are only coming to America to “investigative voter suppression activities by conservative groups,” according to a report in the Hill.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a UN partner, is the primary culprit here. The OSCE is expected to send 44 monitors across the U.S. on Election Day to ensure that various ballot integrity efforts do not interfere with the right to vote, the report says.

But what about those Americans, including many minorities, who have had their votes canceled out as a result of fraud at the ballot box?

The OSCE has already exchanged notes with “liberal leaning civil rights groups” that oppose voter identification laws. But as I, and others, have previously reported, minorities favor voter ID in even larger numbers than white Americans. That’s because they tend to be the victims of voter fraud. If the UN is genuinely concerned about the sanctity of American elections, it ought to send representatives to visit with the Democrats in Rhode Island who passed a voter ID bill in response to rampant voter fraud.

Or, better yet, the UN should stay out of American politics altogether.

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote, has a succinct observation.

“The United Nations has no jurisdiction over American elections.”

Quin Hillyer recently wrote of the need for Republican and conservative leaders to step up and defend True the Vote. That post is looking very prescient these days.

Going into Election Day, the group has come under attack from organized labor and various leftist groups that deny voter fraud is a serious problem. Now there is good reason to believe the concerned citizens active with True the Vote are also up against the UN.

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