Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Experiment With Getting 'Spanked, Whipped, or Hit' - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Experiment With Getting ‘Spanked, Whipped, or Hit’


Whenever conservatives talk about defunding Planned Parenthood, the left points out that the women’s “health” business also provides a number of important services other than abortions. Pro-life group Live Action recently released a video that showed a Planned Parenthood employee providing one of these services: teaching underage girls about S&M.

The video is the fourth released by Live Action showing Planned Parenthood staffers encouraging investigators posing as fifteen-year-old girls to to partake in violent sex. From the Daily Caller:

In uncensored transcripts obtained by the Daily Caller, the girl tells the counselor her boyfriend wanted to try some “kink,” although she herself has no idea what that means.

“Different people have different types of fetishes,” the counselor explains. “Some guys like feet, and they find that kinky, and maybe they’ll wanna suck on your toes during intercourse. Or some guys will even want to, you know, ejaculate into your shoes, which is a little different.”

“Some people like being spanked or hit or whipped,” she says. She also explained that while the girl is too young to buy the special handcuffs they sell at “porno stores,” she and her boyfriend could start out with scarves, “or just the little toy handcuffs.” If using actual handcuffs, “you have to trust that your partner will unlock you.”

Who says your taxpayer dollars aren’t well-spent?

In Democracy in America Tocqueville describes the phenomenon in which a state grows and creeps into every area of our daily lives. As the government takes over the responsibilities of the family and free associations, the usefulness of those groups erode until the government becomes the only authoritative voice in our lives. We see this with the erosion of the family as parents hand more and more of their responsibilities over to the education system. Awkward discussions like sex talks are no longer necessary because we have Planned Parenthood to do that for us. 

It is not the state’s responsibility to help children “explore their sexuality” just like it’s not the state’s responsibility to tell children that sex is something meaningful that they should wait to try until they are older. But these days the former seems far more prevalent than the latter. Who’s really inviting the government into our bedrooms?

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