Portland's Psycho Lefty (Protestors) Terrorists - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Portland’s Psycho Lefty (Protestors) Terrorists


Portland has a problem. Lawless, marauding bands of psychotic social justice warriors halt traffic, assault counter protestors, and generally impose mayhem on the community. They call themselves AntiFa, but their behavior is wholly fascistic.  It needs to stop.

Usually, we can’t see who these violent people are as they mask themselves. But a few of the perpetrators were arrested over the weekend. See below:

Portland Protest

Do these folks look normal to you? These mugshots are who’s who of shaky mental health and questionable stability.

Strip away their masks, how well do these terrorists do against average Americans?

Here’s a few notable quotes from the local reporting via KOIN 6:

  • “A number of women took to the microphone to share their intensely personal stories of sexual assault and abuse.”
  • “Chants of “Women-hating sexist trolls, go crawl back into your holes!”  and “Anti-woman, anti-gay right wing bigots go away!” filled the streets as protesters continued to line the sidewalk near Chapman Square.”
  • Soon, tear gas and a small explosive were set off. The Portland police ordered all demonstrators “to disperse to the north.”

Small explosives? Were the terrorists setting these off or were the police?

And then there was this tidbit at the end:

Portland police partnered with a number of law enforcement agencies during these expected protests. Among them: the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, the Gresham PD, Port of Portland police, the Federal Protective Service, Portland Fire & Rescue and the Multnomah County DA’s Office. [Emphasis added.]

Who is the “Federal Protective Service”? Evidently, they’re a police force associated with the Department of Homeland Security. The crazies in Portland are acting sufficiently insane to provoke the Federal government to come in to strengthen the spine of the local police? Or perhaps the local mayor called them.

Why would anyone be worried about these pathetic creatures? Well, they’re scarily violent. Andy Ngo of Quillette did some excellent on-the-spot reporting:

There’s now a drive to require protestors to show their faces. It’s interesting that whether it’s Hamas or ISIS or AntiFa, the bad guys always wear black, mask themselves, and incite violence.

The Portland group, though, is pathetic. If anyone decided to punch back, these psychologically unstable, sexually confused, miserable miscreants would be flattened. Every single one looks like he (or she) would benefit from some time in a mental institution.

Their behavior is anti-social and dangerous. They also empower, by their actions, the very institutions they claim to hate. Because they refuse to conform to social norms of peaceful protest, they provoke more statist action and encourage average citizens to support the embattled police and the state that controls them.

For those who worry about civil liberties, the lawlessness and unhinged actions of the Left will end up restricting freedom. They’ll be angry about it, while they cause the result.

Portland has a problem. So does America.


Melissa Mackenzie
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Melissa Mackenzie is Publisher of The American Spectator. Melissa commentates for the BBC and has appeared on Fox. Her work has been featured at The Guardian, PJ Media, and was a front page contributor to RedState. Melissa commutes from Houston, Texas to Alexandria, VA. She lives in Houston with her two sons, one daughter, and two diva rescue cats. You can follow Ms. Mackenzie on Twitter: @MelissaTweets.
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