Campaign Lessons - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Campaign Lessons


Perhaps there is something to process stories and to lessons learned from how a candidate handles or mishandles his own campaign, which is after all a test of executive skill. Thompson and McCain, both lacking executive experience, have had problematic campaigns. McCain ironically (when you consider his reputation as a budget hawk) let his team spend themselves into bankruptcy. Thompson, never known for his dynamism in the Senate, has drifted and lumbered along and no longer seems quite in the first tier. Romney, befitting his business background, has been a whiz at money and ground organization but lacking his own inner political compass, this suggests, may have caused him to delegate too much to the brain trust of advisors who like all consultants seem never to doubt voters’ gullibility. (“Yes, have him change on all the social issues — and leave no box unchecked!”). For Rudy, a later start and an unconventional path to the nomination has its downside and in the end may not work, but playing by the book has never been his strong suit. So maybe the process stories are more helpful than you might think.

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