The Law Of Unintended Consequences - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Law Of Unintended Consequences


A friend sends me the link to this article:

Reps. Christopher Shays, Nancy Johnson and Rob Simmons – GOP moderates in a Democratic-leaning state – have been on everyone’s vulnerable list for months. Democrats need to gain 15 seats to win the House, and the three Connecticut districts consistently have been part of the calculation. Lieberman has the support of 73 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of independents, according to a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday. Schlesinger trailed far behind in single digits in the head-to-head matchup. Lieberman’s coattails could carry the GOP incumbents to re-election and undercut Democratic hopes of majority control of the House. “It does help me,” Shays said in a recent interview. “I know there will be a lot of Republicans who will vote for him, as well as a lot of independents and Democrats. … Joe is the kind of person who reaches across the political divide, and I am like that as well.”

Said friend writes:

SO … a Lieberman victory could mean that the GOP retains control of the House … IF SO, then we can thank the fact that Lieberman had to run as an independent because Ned Lamont beat him in the primary. Otherwise, Lieberman would have had a ho-hum, ordinary Democrat incumbent race … THAT BEING THE CASE, we can thank Daily Kos for that, since he boosted Lamont enough to make him a contender in the first place … IF THIS COMES TO PASS, watch Kos’s head explode on Nov. 8 as he learns that he is personally responsible for the GOP retaining control of the House …

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