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More Michael Savage


We need to get Wlady in on this. He was actually interviewed by Savage.

If you listen to Savage much, which I did for a couple of years when he was my drive-time conservative talk radio guy, it’s hard to imagine he would ever back Jerry Brown if he was really drinking his own kool-aid. Brown is against everything Savage claims to be for.

You’re quite right that Savage is actually Michael Weiner, a Ph.D. nutrition guru from way back and that his old affections could explain his donation to Brown, but I think it just cements the case that “Savage” is a concoction designed to make money and doesn’t represent what he really thinks. It’s more like he said to himself, “Nobody is doing a really great job of appealing to everyone’s worst instincts. Let’s have a shot at it and see if there’s money to be made.” Not surprisingly, there are a lot of dollars swimming at the lowest common denominator.

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