'Mayberry with a Major Airport' - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

‘Mayberry with a Major Airport’


The Washington Post reports today from down here in the Tar Heel state on a Mecklenburg County immigration enforcement program in which deportation proceedings are initiated against anyone arrested by local officers, whether it’s for a traffic stop or for a felony. So far, so effective:

Mecklenburg County Sheriff Jim Pendergraph says there should be little sympathy for illegal immigrants caught by his program: They have already broken the law once by being here illegally, and then been arrested on suspicion of another crime.

“When any of them cross that border without proper documentation, they’ve violated the law — however insignificant it may seem to some people,” he said. “I’ve heard sad stories about folks wanting to come up here and have a better life and earn money for their family. I’ve arrested bank robbers who’ve had the same excuse.”

But we’re talking about The Post here, so it takes on a predictably whiny tone:

While the program has led to the removal of many illegal immigrants charged with felonies, people arrested for lesser charges such as traffic violations are also subject to deportation. That, according to Hispanic leaders, has created a constant worry for people who are in the United States illegally and now fear deportation after a simple traffic stop.

Many illegal immigrants lack valid licenses. As a result, they now risk not only arrest but also deportation whenever they drive.

Hmm, driving without a license…implying you haven’t taken appropriate tests and learned the state’s traffic laws, not to mention proving whether or not you can even read our traffic signs. You’re showing that you’re not even going to try to learn them. That’s not worthy of deportation?

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