Soros Bullish on Katrina Fallout - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Soros Bullish on Katrina Fallout


George Soros’ Open Society Institute is preparing to dole out a goodly sum to ensure that all the positive, fawning coverage Hurricane Katrina’s death and destruction has been receiving finally gets balanced out a bit with the hitherto unheard bad news:

The Katrina Media Fellowships, sponsored by The Open Society Institute (OSI), will support media makers working in print and radio journalism, photography, and documentary film and video to generate and improve media coverage of critical issues of poverty, racism, and government neglect in the Gulf Region that were laid bare by Hurricane Katrina. This one-time fellowship will be awarded to mid-career or veteran print or radio journalists, photographers, or documentary filmmakers with proven track records as serious media-makers. OSI will give special consideration to applicants who have been displaced from or are residents of the Gulf Region. OSI expects to award 12-15 fellowships. Fellowship recipients will be announced in mid-May 2006 and receive between $15,000-$35,000, to cover a stipend and project expenses.

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