Against the Mandate: The Silver Bullet - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Against the Mandate: The Silver Bullet


As the Washington Times argued on Friday, the silver bullet that SHOULD be used to kill this Obamacare monstrosity is criticism of the indidvidual mandate, which is incredibly unpopular.

Now, a group of major leaders of the conservative movement have just put out a memo to this effect:



The Individual Mandate in “Obamacare” is Unconstitutional


RE: The mandate under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid healthcare legislation requiring American citizens to purchase health insurance violates the U.S. Constitution. ….

The memo is too long for me to post the whole thing here right now, but I am trying to get a link to the whole thing and will post it if I do. But movement leaders are right: It is unconstitutional. And it is the ground on which our senators should have been fighting all along, because it is incredibly unpopular as well.

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