Bristol Palin Gone Wild - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Bristol Palin Gone Wild


Lots of angry e-mail over my column today, as pro-life conservatives are rallying in defense of Bristol Palin. Seems nobody on the GOP side wants to consider the possibility that Crazy Cousin John’s choice of Sarah Palin was a mistake, or to hear criticism of Team Maverick’s handling of the story.

One thing for sure, the choice of Palin, and the news of her daughter’s pregnancy, has generated intense public interest — the Site Meter at my personal blog passed 10,000 hits before 2 p.m. today, mostly from people seeking information about baby daddy Levi Johnston. The high-school hockey star who put the puck in Bristol’s goal has been pronounced “sex on skates.”

Liberal blogger Jeralyn Merritt has started a pool on when Palin will quit the ticket, but I’m betting she sticks it out to Nov. 4. There’s simply no political percentage in having her quit at this point. Exactly how this impacts the ultimate outcome, I’m not sure, but Republicans must be worried to learn that Barack Obama just hit 50% in the Gallup daily poll for the first time.

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