Meese on Today's DoJ: "Suspicious" Motives - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Meese on Today’s DoJ: “Suspicious” Motives


At CFIF, I write about the left’s effort to undermine ballot integrity, and on a new initiative led by Ed Meese, Ken Blackwell and Linda Chavez to fight back. With reference to Eric Holder’s Justice Department intervening to block photo-ID laws in Texas and South Carolina, among other actions by the left, Meese’s money quote is here:

“I am always suspicious of the motives of those people who object to preserving the integrity of the ballot box,” said Meese in an interview with me the day before the launch of “In practice there is no evidence that [a photo-ID requirement] does suppress the vote of any group of people; and all these laws make ample provision for ways in which people can obtain photo IDs in case they don’t already have one. In light of all this, the action of the administration is very surprising.”

One of my takeaways:

In a close election, it is important that the leader of the free world not be seated due to phantom votes in the names of people who have died or moved, or who aren’t even citizens.

This is important stuff. All credit to the organizers of the initiative being announced today, along with the good people at True the Vote, and along with warriors for the cause of ballot integrity such as whistleblower J. Christian Adams and the Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky.

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