Easter Rabbit Trick - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Easter Rabbit Trick


Last Good Friday, I visited the chapel of my church, conveniently located on the Florida island where I live. It’s one of only six in the Miami area that houses the living Host for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. A series of mortal setbacks to loved ones over the past five years — including my mother’s cancer (cured), the death of her beloved companion, the death of my ex-girlfriend’s only son, and other family health issues — have considerably elongated my prayer list, so I try to seek help from the Lord every evening in His presence. But on Good Friday, I found the sepulcher empty and the adoring twin angels beside it covered by purple mourning cloth. And I thought, what a perfect reflection of not only this holy weekend but of our time — the perceived absence of Christ.

But the faithless will lose in the end. It will be the ultimate Easter Rabbit trick.

Most people agree that the country is in a dark age, as do I, the bleakest in my lifetime. Depression in young people is spiking, particularly among females, as their once clear life purpose, even unalterable sexuality, come under divisive Marxist attack. And boys, especially white boys, get taught they will become toxic men, with few role models to indicate the opposite.

Too many religious leaders, including the successor to Apostle Peter, either accept or embrace this demonism. They may not be able to recruit more worshippers, but they can certainly weaken their institutions. A new Gallup poll shows a steep decline in religious observation across the spectrum. According to the poll, only 44 percent of Protestant Christians now attend regular services, with Catholics at an abysmal 33 percent. Outspoken traditionalist churchmen like Bishop Joseph Strickland — the Vatican-displaced bishop of Tyler, Texas — are bravely and accurately blaming the hierarchy. “Up there is an agenda that is gradually pulling all those people away from faith and pulling them into communism,” Strickland told Red State(READ MORE from Lou Aguilar: England Reconstructs Camelot)

It all evokes the days following the Crucifixion, when to the faithful all seemed lost. The man they had forsaken their past lives to follow had been tortuously executed, leaving them at the mercy of the rabble that condemned Him. Yet unlike in Israel, where those events took place two thousand years ago, “when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews,” (John 20:19), today both Jews and Christians face equal persecution by the State and the godless activists in control of it.

All over America, mobs educated by the Judeo-Christian tradition scream for the extermination of the nation that gave birth to it, and the people who further it, in favor of the murderous savages with whom they share nothing other than contempt for Western Civilization. That in the world they’re pushing for, they would be the first to go — see Queers for Palestine —  never occurs to them, so blinded are they by hate. While the fools nominally leading this country bend to their will, both out of desperation to retain power and loathing for religious conservatives.

Last Monday, the United States abstained on a United Nations Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, which allowed the resolution to pass. The inept Biden Administration knew this would cripple Israel from forestalling another large scale Jewish massacre like that of October 7th, 2023, but as usual Democratic Party politics took precedence over good and evil.

Another recent Gallup poll shows Americans disapprove of Israeli military action in Gaza — 55 percent to 36 percent, among Democrats a stunning 75 percent to 18 percent — following relentless anti-Israel media bombardment. Unfortunately for the longtime U.S. ally, abandoning the righteous course for votes is the Left’s modus operandi. So is hostility to Christians, in full display this Easter.

The White House is prohibiting children of National Guard personnel from submitting religious-themed Easter Eggs for the “2024 Celebrating National Guard Families” event. The event flyer states that Easter Egg design submissions “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious symbols, or partisan political statements.” Because to the progressive mind, religious symbols equal questionable content and partisan political statements. Consequently, any illustrative reference to the reason for the holiday — such as an empty cave tomb — would be strictly forbidden. (READ MORE: Midway in the Culture War)

It gets worse, or better, because the Biden regime doesn’t realize that, despite the decline in religious worship, the tide has turned against one leftist delusion. Instead, Biden just declared March 31st, Easter Sunday, “Transgender Day of Visibility.” In Biden land, kids can’t depict or suggest the Resurrection of the Lord, yet he will celebrate the fantasy that men can become women or vice-versa, with all the surgical butchery required to fail miserably in the attempt.

His idiocy opened the politically endangered President not only to Christian outrage but to Republican mockery. “Isn’t every day at the Biden White House ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’?” “tweeted” Harmeet K. Dhillon, vice-president of the Republican National Lawyers Association. The ridiculous Admiral Rachel (“Richard”) Levine may agree with her.

But the faithless will lose in the end. It will be the ultimate Easter Rabbit trick. Beginning this Sunday, when I visit the chapel, the Host will be in the sepulcher. And the world will realize what the faithful did two-thousand years ago on the Road to Emmaus. That the Lord has risen and walks among us. Happy Easter.

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