Here’s to You, George Santos! - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Here’s to You, George Santos!


Everybody is wrong about George Santos. He’s not a villain, he’s a hero.

Santos is, whether wittingly or otherwise, doing something Rush Limbaugh used to do to great effect: he’s illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

Santos got elected to Congress from a Queens/Long Island district, flipping a Democrat seat Republican, and it turns out that pretty much everything in his origin story was a lie. He said he was Jewish on his mother’s side; he isn’t. He said he had grandparents who survived the Holocaust; nope. He said he’s “biracial”; he’s not. He also said he was gay; if so, it’s interesting that he was married … to a woman. He also said that his mother was a casualty of the 9/11 attacks; that wasn’t true, as she died years later. He also said he had worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and called himself a “seasoned Wall Street financier and investor.” That wasn’t true either.

Nor was his claim that four employees of his were killed in the mass shooting at the Orlando nightclub Pulse.

Santos also claimed to have attended the prestigious Horace Mann School in New York City and that he was a Baruch College graduate. Neither claim is true.

These are all fairly significant lies. And sure — it’s a scandal that George Santos got elected to Congress on the basis of his fraudulent background.

But is George Santos the scandal? Hardly.

Think of Santos as a performance artist. He’s like the NASCAR driver who, seeing a wreck in front of him as he comes out of a turn and enters the straightaway, follows the old advice: pick a line and drive through it.

Santos picked his line very well, knowing that if he did he would escape any media scrutiny at all. Say you’re a Wall Street whiz, that you’re gay and Jewish and that you come from Holocaust survivors, and that you’re a 9/11 victim, if only by proxy.

Say all of that and nobody in the mainstream media, not even in New York, will bother to challenge any of it.

And even if they do, so what? None of those lies are fatal. We already know they aren’t.

If they were, then Liz Warren would be long gone from the U.S. Senate. But of course she isn’t. Donald Trump called her Pocahontas for four years, pointing out her utterly fraudulent self-identification as a Cherokee, and it was Trump who was offensive in the bargain, not Warren.

And as to gender and sexuality, you haven’t been allowed to challenge the self-identification of others for quite some time. Unless they claim to be straight, that is.

George Santos read the room. He realized that Stupid Woke America values “diversity” over competence or merit, and so he fed Stupid Woke America what it wanted.

He’s a Brazilian still under investigation for having stolen checks from an old man his mother was taking care of and buying himself a lot of nice swag with the loot. In this respect he’s pretty similar to Gisele Fetterman, another Brazilian grifter who made her way to the East Coast and from there to Washington’s halls of power. Gisele did it better; she found a simpleton on whose coattails she could ride in order to become a de facto, and soon, de jure, U.S. senator.

But every grift is different. So there’s that.

Is Santos’ campaign funding a legitimate scandal? He was bankrolled by something called the Devolder Organization, an entity about which little is known, and it seems to account for his entire fortune. It smells as though Santos is somebody’s puppet in Congress, and this is almost certainly a bad thing.

But now the mainstream media has centered upon Santos as the personification of everything that’s wrong in American politics, and for this reason and this reason alone, he’s worth defending.

To those incompetent fishwraps and propaganda shops now howling about the newest proven liar in Congress: spare us.

You’re all liars without conscience and have been for years. You’ve covered up the never-ending falsehoods, biographical and otherwise, of the rich, powerful, and connected in this country since long before Watergate, all under the deceitful pretense of “objective journalism.” You protected Liz Warren. You protected John Fetterman. You perpetuated Cory Booker and Da Nang Dick Blumenthal. You invented Barack Obama, whose almost unfathomable and highly destructive rise could never have happened without an outright and open disinformation campaign to hide his background and beliefs.

Obama was president for eight years and had a half-dozen major scandals running practically every day he was in office, from the New Black Panthers to the Pigford cases to the IRS’ targeting of conservative organizations to Benghazi to Fast and Furious and beyond, and the media let him get away with the claim of a “scandal-free” administration.

And Joe Biden, who is merely a continuation of Obama’s reign atop the slag heap that is our nation’s capital, is an aging, non compos mentis machine crook who has lied about more items in his own background than George Santos could have ever dreamed of doing.

The media never bothered investigating Tara Reade’s allegations against Biden. These clowns went along with those 51 professional liars and villains, from Michael Hayden to James Clapper, who swore on the basis of abject lies that the Hunter Biden laptop reporting was “Russian disinformation.” They went along with the lies of the leftist public health bureaucrats who needlessly shut the country down over COVID-19, and did so for the same political reasons they always do.

And I’m supposed to care that George Santos came up right under their noses with lies about his background that more or less meet the bog standard of today’s Democrat Party?


Santos deserves a medal. Maybe he’s the most brazen liar in D.C. now. If we’re going to punish him for it, then that line begins on the left.

Scott McKay
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Scott McKay is a contributing editor at The American Spectator  and publisher of the Hayride, which offers news and commentary on Louisiana and national politics, and, a national political news aggregation and opinion site. Scott is also the author of The Revivalist Manifesto: How Patriots Can Win The Next American Era, and, more recently, Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It's All Obama, available November 21. He’s also a writer of fiction — check out his four Tales of Ardenia novels Animus, Perdition, Retribution and Quandary at Amazon.
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