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Waterloo and You, Cory, and Kamala

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On the night before Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington took an Austrian general on a tour of his troops. “They look like fine men,” said the polite minion of the Habsburg.

“They are the scum of Europe,” said the Iron Duke. “I don’t know if they scare Napoleon but they scare me.”

I’ve just finished watching Debate No. 2 of the leading Democratic presidential candidates. I watched Debate No. 1 last night. My conclusion: they are scary, angry people.

I don’t think I have ever seen a candidate for high office as demented-looking and just plain crazy as Cory Booker. “The most fraudulent human being in America,” said Tucker Carlson about him, and he didn’t go far enough.

A close second for crazy anger, Kamala (as in “Kamala’s a cop!”) Harris, is nipping at Booker’s nutty heels. Why? What good does it do them? What candidate has ever won by being the angriest? The zaniest, most humorous? Yes, that would be Trump. But he doesn’t come even close to as angry as Kamala and Cory. And then there is the whole pack. All red-faced and foaming at the mouth. And who seems calmest and most in command? Uncle Joe. He alone does not seem to be fulminating but instead speaking, sometimes firmly, but not bitterly.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now the party of socialist non-whites. Can this win an election for them? Depends on how heavily the media places its thumb on the scales. I doubt it, but then I thought Trump would lose by a landslide in 2016. Trump can whip voters up like no Democrat. He can make media hatred a plus.

In the meantime, Senators Booker and Harris, you’ve managed to scare some of us.

Now, speaking of scary, how is it that the Dems have not accomplished one single thing in Congress this term except to attack Trump for imaginary crimes and to sign on to a GOP plan to help migrants? In a long history of Do Nothing Congresses, this one takes its place high on the ladder of nihilism.

Why doesn’t the media notice? Because, except for Fox, we have nothing but Do Nothing Media. The media is the executive secretariat of the American Left, and if they cannot airbrush Trump out of the picture they’re the secretariat of zilch.

Meanwhile Trump has revamped the Defense Department, gotten some fine judges, cut taxes, and by some magic I don’t understand, presided over a barn burner of a recovery. So, is there a clue here as to the Dems’ anger? The GOP actually gets things done, and that’s saying a lot in today’s world. The Do Nothing Dems would rather shriek “Treason” than actually come up with some achievements. Again, is this a way to win elections? Maybe not.

I hope not.

Ben Stein
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Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes “Ben Stein’s Diary” for every issue of The American Spectator.
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