Me on Fox on Military Voting - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Me on Fox on Military Voting


I should probably be more self-promotional, but I’ll now catch up for lost time. On Sunday I was on the Fox News Channel for the fourth time (I didn’t post the other three until now) talking about a growing scandal in which the Obamites at the Justice Departmment are putting at risk the rights of military personnel stationed abroad to have their votes cast and counted on time. Here is my Sunday appearance (don’t ask me to explain the beard, please). Here’s one from Aug. 29. Here I was on Aug. 16.  And this was Aug. 4.  It’s not just me. Fox is doing a GREAT job covering this story. Here was this morning, with Military Moms going after the Justice Department. Here is the indispensable Eric Eversole of the Military Voter Project, an hour after me on Sunday. Christian Adams has been watching all this like a particularly sharp-eyed hawk, and he reports that some key congressmen are REALLY angry at DoJ. Meanwhile, as a reminder, I reported last week that the attorney at DoJ most directly in charge of all this, Rebecca Wertz, just got a promotion — a perfect example of failing upwards, or in this case being rewarded for failure by political bosses who probably prefer that she fail because they believe military voters will vote conservative, and they are lefties.

Of course, with the word now gettiing out that the Obamites are so reluctant to help military personnel vote, the votes from the military and their families will probably skew even more rightward, in anger at the Obamites who prefer to help felons vote instead.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t do my part to let the military know one way they can ensure their own ballot access. A wonderful division of the Department of Defense is doing a good job running the Federal Voting Assistance Program. Military personnel can go to FVAP’s web site,, and apply online for an absentee ballot. Whomever you vote for, you who risk life and limb defending our country deserve to know that your vote is valued and valuable. Thank you to all of you.

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