We're All Moderates Now - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

We’re All Moderates Now


I guess I should say, there are only radicals in the Tea Party and among Republicans who embrace them. Here is the Washington Post’s Juliet Eilperin today:

For his White House energy adviser, Obama brought aboard another moderate: [Carol] Browner, who led the Environmental Protection Agency during Bill Clinton’s administration.

Yes. She wrote that. Of a woman who resigned her commissionership in the Socialist International to take a position with the Obama administration that was created for her for the simple reason that she would never gain Senate confirmation and would cause political destruction in the process of the sort, well, of the sort that we’re seeing now as all of the radicalism adds up.

Oh, and she told US News that you can’t be trusted with your own thermostat, and her team’s objective was to wrest that control over when and how you should be able to use energy, placing it with a more responsible decision-maker.

We know who the extremists are to WaPo. They are attorneys general who enforce unanimously passed laws, and mothers who become activists when what they see gives them great anxiety for their kids’ future (interchange “racist” as the situation requires).

Instructive about just how moderate Browner and other WaPo ‘moderates’ really are is the title of Power Grab Chapter 3. “Van Jones Was No Accident”.

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