NAACP Won't Release Text of Tea Party Resolution Until October - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

NAACP Won’t Release Text of Tea Party Resolution Until October


The NAACP will not release the actual text of its resolution condemning “racist elements” within the Tea Party movement until October, when the organization’s board gives it final approval, a spokesman for the group has told me.

Though the final version has not surfaced, I reported on some excerpts from the preliminary draft of the resolution yesterday, which I was able to record before a live webcast broadcasting the NAACP conference was cut off. Among other things, an early draft called Tea Party movement, a “threat to the pursuit of human rights, justice and equality for all.”

In a blog post on the passage of the resolution on its own website, the NAACP writes:

The proposed resolution had generated controversy on conservative blogs, where in some cases the language has been misconstrued to imply that the NAACP was condemning the entire Tea Party movement itself as racist.

But it seems to me that the ideal way to prevent the language from being misconstrued would be to release the actual language.

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