What's Not in CBS News' Political Gaffes of 2011 List - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

What’s Not in CBS News’ Political Gaffes of 2011 List


With 2011 drawing to a close, people are writing up year end lists. I am no exception to this and have just finished up a year end list of my own concerning the worst of President Obama in 2011 which I hope will be up on the main site either tomorrow or Thursday.

In this vein, CBS News has come out with a year end list of its top fifteen political gaffes of 2011. Of the fifteen gaffes CBS chose to highlight, eleven of them were committed by Republicans. President Obama only makes the list once for “accidentally” signing the Westminster Abbey guestbook with the year 2008. Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner makes the list for obvious reasons as did Vice-President Biden for claiming that murder and rape would increase if President Obama’s jobs bill wasn’t passed. French President Nicolas Sarkozy also made the list for being overheard calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar at the G-20 Summit in Cannes. Yet Sarkozy said this to Obama and yet Obama isn’t faulted for his part in the conversation in which he said, “You’re fed up, I have to deal with him everyday.”

Now, of course, there are Republicans that deserve to be on the list (i.e. Rick Perry’s brain freeze and Michele Bachmann claiming the shot heard round the world was fired in Concord, New Hampshire rather than in Concord, Massachusetts.)

But I think President Obama stating during the APEC Summit that he met with world leaders “here in Asia” when he was standing in Hawaii is a pretty significant omission. If any of the GOP candidates for President had made that statement it would have made the list, if not the very top of it.

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