Obama Throws Perry a Lifeline - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Obama Throws Perry a Lifeline


Just when Rick Perry needs to restore himself with a restive conservative base, President Obama — presumably thinking he was kicking the guy when he’s down — bails the Texan out with the following at a fundraiser in (naturally) California. According to today’s Greenwire (subscription required):

After asking audience members gathered at the San Jose home of Symantec Corp. Chairman John Thompson if any had “been watching the [Republican] debates lately,” Obama jabbed at Perry: “We’ve got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change.” 

First, that’s not just a non-sequitur, and a moonbat one at that, but one shot down by his own activist administration, as ClimateDepot reports.

It is a gift to Perry in that he can take the fight to Obama on an issue with which Mitt Romney has a history as governor similar to his history with health care, in that he signed his state up to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI, a regional cap and trade scheme that even Chris Christie pulled out of). He did not run from this in his campaign book surely because he couldn’t afford another flip-flop…though recognizing two-edges to that sword, he’s been sorely tempted.

But here’s the icing. It’s a three-fer, implicating, of all things Obama doesn’t want to talk about (and his DoJ has made sure the principals now won’t talk about), Solyndra!

Remember this gem from former Bush EPA head and climate doyenne Christine Todd Whitman, recently defending Obama against Al Gore’s charges that Obama was being insufficiently presidential by eschewing Gore’s hair-and-pants-on-fire approach?

George W. Bush EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman found Al Gore’s potshots at Obama to be a bit much. “It’s a little disingenuous on his part,” she told POLITICO.

“The president certainly has done a lot. He’s constantly talking about — he may not talk about climate change so much — but will backdoor through clean energy,” she said.

Ah, yes. Governor, over to you. 

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