The Day Ahead: Wednesday, August 10 - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Day Ahead: Wednesday, August 10


Treasury yields fall to record lows after Fed policy announcement (CNN Money)

David Cameron promises harsh response after riots rock England for fourth night (Washington Post)

Gov. Sam Brownback reverses course and opts out of Obamacare early state provision, sending money back to feds (The Topkea Capital-Journal)

Polygamist Warren Jeffs sentenced to life in jail (CNN)

President Obama will hold an iftar at the White House with several prominent Muslims to celebrate Ramadan, following precedent set by Clinton and Bush (AP)

Reason on gun laws:

Downgrading the Constitution by W. James Antle, III: Don’t blame Standard & Poor’s for the federal government’s dire fiscal outlook

The Obama Way, by Andrew Cline: Leading in rhetoric; missing in action.

The Phantom Menace, by Robert Stacy McCain: Rick Perry’s Texas shadow looms over the Iowa Straw Poll.

Obama Downgraded, Tea Party Vindicated, by Peter Ferrara: Mr. Obama achieved the historic downgrading of America’s credit rating the old-fashioned way. He earned it.

Save Us From Medicare, by Richard E. Ralston: Can’t we have medical care without 100,000 pages of federal regulations?

Whatever Happened To Jennifer Knapp? by Jeff Walton: Is there an audience for a lesbian Christian rocker?

Reagan’s Note Card Treasures, by John H. Fund: An annotated selection of those cards was recently published. 

Far Away from the Panic, by Ben Stein: No bloody rioters in Sandpoint, or billionaire traders. 

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