The Day Ahead: Tuesday, August 2 - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Day Ahead: Tuesday, August 2


The Senate will vote on the debt ceiling compromise at noon (TPM)

The House left for August recess immediately following the debt limit vote.

President Obama will meet with the AFL-CIO executive committee before the bill is voted on (Politico)

Former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick released from jail (Detroit News)

Congress no closer to resolving FAA shutdown, workers could be furloughed through August (The Hill)

Rep. Gabby Giffords returns to Congress for the debt ceiling vote:

Cognitive Dissonance by W. James Antle, III: The clashing and contradictory narratives driving the debt ceiling debate.

American Tipping Point, by Jeffrey Lord: The view from Hobbitville as House passes debt ceiling and Tea Party principles are the new Hush Puppies.

The Extraordinary Case of Farewell, by Richard V. Allen: Thirty years ago this summer French President Mitterrand made Ronald Reagan an offer he couldn’t resist.

Military Rule in Burma, by Doug Bandow: The elections meant nothing. There is no democracy. Political prisoners have not been released.

Brainy Power, by Roger Kaplan: The Czechs have it. The Germans yesterday did not.

Can’t Read: The Tea Leaves, by Jay D. Homnick: A “deal” that sinks, probably forever, any chance that the government could ever be reined in meaningfully.

DeMint Fights the System, by Ned Ryun: Considering the genre, Senator Jim DeMint’s new book is a great and timely read. 

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