Hanoi Jane and the Stupid Party - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Hanoi Jane and the Stupid Party


This is how the GOP acquired the nickname “Stupid Party.” Reid Wilson reports:

A top aide to House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy on Thursday suggested Republicans who have problems with the continuing resolution hitting the floor Thursday are committing a sin akin to Jane Fonda heading to Vietnam.

In an email to chiefs of staff sent Thursday morning, Pete Meachum, McCarthy’s director of member services, forwarded a link to a Weekly Standard post praising the continuing resolution. Those who are using opposition to the resolution to better position themselves are hurting the fight, he implied.

“For the handwringers out there, buck up,” Meachum wrote. “For those seeking other office please campaign at home, not on the backs of your colleagues.”

Meachum linked the last four words to this website featuring photos of “Jane Fonda A.K.A. Hanoi Jane.”

Meachum acknowledged he’d crossed the line and apologized within an hour. David Freddoso and Tim Carney wonder if the email stemmed in part from the frustration of not having earmarks to whip wavering members into line anymore. Though even in the age of earmarks, Republicans often reserved their harshest rhetoric for those opposing them from the right rather than the Jane Fondas of the world.

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