Romney Prefers the L Word to the S Word - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Romney Prefers the L Word to the S Word


I read Jim Antle’s observations about Mitt Romney’s use of the word “liberal”. Methinks Romney prefers the L word to the S word. During an interview with Bill O’Reilly back in December 2011, O’Reilly asked Romney if he thought President Obama was a socialist. To which Romney replied, “I consider him a big government liberal Democrat.”

LBJ was a big government liberal Democrat. Calling Obama a mere liberal doesn’t accurately reflect the extent of his radicalism. Aside from killing bin Laden, Obama’s main selling point is that he nationalized GM. It doesn’t get more socialist than that.

Unfortunately, Romney is too cautious to accurately describe Obama as a socialist. I’m not saying Romney can’t beat Obama. But by not properly defining Obama, Romney makes an already challenging task that much more difficult for himself.

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