Thoughts on Rice's Withdrawal - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Thoughts on Rice’s Withdrawal


UN Ambassador Susan Rice has formally withdrawn her name from consideration to be the next Secretary of State. She will remain in her current position.

Despite the strong support of President Obama, Rice could never escape the fact that she repeatedly said the attacks in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 were a spontaneous reaction to the anti-Muslim YouTube video as opposed to a terrorist attack. This did not inspire public confidence nor did she in subsequent meetings inspire the confidence of key members of the Senate especially that of Susan Collins.

The liberal media portrayed the criticisms of Rice as part of “the war on women” targetting John McCain and Lindsey Graham for scorn. But if Rice had been nominated, it would have been interesting to see what role Collins would have played during the confirmation hearings.

In her letter to Obama, Rice stated, “The position of secretary of state should never be politicized.”

Of course, what she really means is that Republicans have no right to criticize the public statements of a cabinet official in a Democratic administration.

President Obama decried the “unfair and misleading attacks” on Rice but in reality he is breathing a sigh of relief. As long as Rice was under consideration, it kept Benghazi in the public arena. Perhaps not on the front page but still a part of the public discourse. Now that Rice is out of the picture, Benghazi will be joining her.

Chances are Obama will now appoint John Kerry who will be easily confirmed. The Senate isn’t going reject one of their own.

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