Second Snowden Video Interview Released - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Second Snowden Video Interview Released


Earlier today the Guardian released a second video excerpt from filmmaker Laura Poitras’ interview she and Glenn Greenwald conducted with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden on June 6:

A key quote: “There are literally no ingress or egress points anywhere in the continental United States where communication that enter or exit without being monitored and collected and analyzed.”

Regarding PRISM: “Companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft — they all get together with the NSA and provide the NSA direct access to the back ends of all the systems you use to communicate, to store data, to put things in the cloud, and even just to send birthday wishes and keep a record of your life. And they give NSA direct access that they don’t need to oversee so they can’t be held liable for it.

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