All's Well That Ends Well - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

All’s Well That Ends Well


According to Politico, with regard to the kerfuffle over the mistaken photo-shopping of Rove’s face into a picture of a leading Nazi:

Rove issued a statement saying all is well. “Apology accepted,” Rove said. “Now let’s all get back to work building conservative Republican majorities and stop President Obama’s agenda.”

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This is as it should be. The Tea Party Patriots and the vendor offered classy apologies for the mistake, and Rove offered a classy acceptance. Now the best thing would be for both sides to stop assuming the worst about the other — and for both sides to find themselves in agreement about who the “most conservative electable candidate” is in each forthcoming election. And if they disagree, well…. let them fight it out, and here’s hoping that truly talented conservatives win the battles. Even better would be if most primary fights stuck to issue-based disagreements along with copious positive reinforcement of the candidates in question, rather than hyper-personal and long-lastingly harmful attacks.

The idea should be to find more Ted Cruzes and more Ron Johnsons. And to beat the Left, not to beat up on each other. 

Rove, by the way, could have handled the roll-out of his new group in a way that didn’t raise so many fears n the right. And his group’s spokesman darn well should not have called the MRC’s Brent Bozell a “hater” two weeks ago — a cheap shot and horribly untrue, about a man who is justifiably a hero on the right. The good news is that the spokesman apologized. Now the TPP, likewise, has apologized to Rove, for an error that went out under their name but apparently without their intentions. Good. The Tea Party Patriots is a great organization. 

Let’s rally together, for limited government and the maximum amount possible of ordered liberty.

Ben Stein
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Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes “Ben Stein’s Diary” for every issue of The American Spectator.
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