Terror on Campus - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Terror on Campus


This nation’s campuses are truly losing their minds. The whole world is losing its mind. Maybe it always was mad. I guess humans are just plain mad. For people like me, 70 years old, living in a quiet neighborhood with an old wife and an old dog, life is still darned good. When I walk along the brick sidewalks of Oxford, Maryland, hearing the church bells playing Christmas classics, when I have supper at the Robert Morris Inn, my favorite restaurant in the world, most of all when I am at home with my Julie, my wife, the best woman on the planet, when I feel the peace that comes of knowing that God is in my life, I feel ecstatic. My wife is not mad and I do not feel mad when I am with my wife.

But the warning signs are all over and the hairs on the back of my neck are starting to stand up.

At Wellesley College, home to one of the most beautiful campuses in America, last word in New England prestige, alma mater of Hillary Clinton and my sister, Jewish students are routinely shouted down and threatened when they try to speak up for Israel. Their meeting places are under warning at danger. The administration says it’s concerned but does nothing.

Israel, say the Arab students and their “progressive” friends, is a racist, oppressive regime and so it must be fought.

The same is going on at campuses all over America, even at Brooklyn College, where Jewish students have been attacked and intimidated.  

There are demonstrations and anti-Israel signs all over campuses nationwide. Arabs and “progressives” try to ostracize Israel and make their endowments sell investments in Israel.

Meanwhile, the Islamists in Iraq and Syria and Tunisia and Libya run campaigns of unimaginable violence and terror against anyone who differs with them even slightly. They behead and crucify and laugh about it. They hand out manuals on how to enslave and rape women and girls whom they capture. These stories make the news for a few days, but where are the demonstrations? Where is the worldwide outrage? You surely will not find a trace of it on American campuses.

In Europe, a nonstop political campaign against Israel gathers ever more steam. Israel is apartheid. Israel is racist. Israel is an oppressor.

Meanwhile, there is only one nation in the Middle East where a citizen’s rights are guaranteed by law regardless of race or religion or sex. That’s Israel. Incredibly, at Wellesley, a professor who is a major advocate for lesbian and transgender rights bashes Israel and praises the Islamists. But the Islamists punish homosexuality by death. Bang. No tolerance at all.

What can explain such an attitude if not a Jew hatred so intense that it overwhelms reason? But this person is not a transient shouting on a street corner. This person is a professor at a major liberal arts college in America. As far as I am aware, this “teacher” is not sanctioned at all.

The fierce reappearance of anti-Jewish feelings, especially on campuses, is, terrifying. I can point it out. Others can point it out. But it’s not slowing. It’s growing.

The anti-Semite Arab and “progressive” stormtroopers at America’s colleges connect with the parliaments of Europe and the Islamists in Iraq in one evil poisonous mixture. There is literally nothing to stop it.

It is — in a word — bloodcurdling.

Ben Stein
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Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes “Ben Stein’s Diary” for every issue of The American Spectator.
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